
The Final Word: Understanding Jesus' Last Moments

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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What did Jesus truly mean when He declared 'It is finished' in John 19:30? Join Pastor Steve as he delves into the profound implications of this powerful statement.


Today, we will explore the profound meaning behind Jesus' statement in John 19:30 when He declared, "It is finished." These three simple words hold immense significance and have a lasting impact on our lives. They signify the completion of a task that Jesus was sent to fulfill.

The Barbaric Execution

Before we delve into the meaning of Jesus' words, let us first understand the brutal execution He endured. The crucifixion was a barbaric form of punishment, and Jesus' suffering can hardly be comprehended. His body was nailed to a cross, causing excruciating pain. He was mocked, beaten, and crowned with thorns. Every breath was a struggle, and His wounds became infected. In this agonizing state, Jesus uttered the words, "It is finished."

The Meaning of "It is Finished"

The phrase "It is finished" comes from the Greek word "tetelestai." This word was commonly used in everyday life during that time. It signified the completion of a task or the fulfillment of a purpose. When Jesus said these words, He meant that His mission had been accomplished.

Four Glorious Benefits

Jesus' declaration of "It is finished" provides us with four incredible benefits that we will explore:

1. Atonement for Sin:

Jesus' death on the cross conquered sin and death. His sacrifice purged our sins and cleansed us from all wrongdoing. Through His blood, we are forgiven and made righteous before God.

2. Access to the Holy of Holies:

Because of Jesus' death, we now have direct access to God. In the past, only the high priest could enter the holy of holies once a year. But through Christ's sacrifice, the barrier between God and humanity has been removed. We can now approach God with confidence and find grace and mercy in our time of need.

3. Acceptance by God:

Through Jesus' death, we are accepted by God. We are no longer enemies but have been reconciled to Him. We are now seen as holy and blameless in His sight, and we have been adopted as His children.

4. Assurance of Salvation:

Jesus' death provides us with full assurance of our salvation. His sacrifice was perfect and complete, never needing to be repeated. We are secure in our relationship with Him, and nothing can separate us from His love.


The words "It is finished" spoken by Jesus on the cross hold immense meaning for us. They signify the completion of His redemptive work and the fulfillment of God's plan for salvation. Through His death, we have atonement for sin, access to God, acceptance by Him, and the assurance of our salvation. Let us embrace these glorious benefits and live in the freedom and grace that Jesus has provided for us.

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