
Summary: ...much more important than the Mid Term Election on Tuesday is the Eternal Election spoken to us in this morning’s scripture. THE FINAL ELECTION is all that really matters this morning. Your eternity is on the line.

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The following is a compulation of several messages on politics and Election Day taken from SC pastors. A Power Point Presentation is available upon request.

The Final Election

INTRO: Should Jesus tarry, this Tuesday could very well be THE FINAL ELECTION. This could be the last time we will have to watch and listen to the politicians make promises they can’t keep Do you remember the 2000 Presidential Election Deadlock that captured the attention of America. We’ve sat glued to our television sets until the wee hours of the morning. We did not know the future of our nation for nearly a month.

There was name calling and fighting in court houses, and in Florida’s State Capital.

We can tell you all about Election Exit Polls, Florida hand re-count laws, overseas absentee ballots and “Smokes for Votes.” We can tell you all about the pros and cons of the Electoral College and the Popular Vote. We’ve learned more than we would ever care to know about “CHAD’S” in their various forms – pregnant, dimpled, pimpled, hanging, loose in one corner and double-punched.

And now 6 years later, I grow weary from the negative campaigns that are going on, but it will soon be over.)

* The Mid Term Election will take place on Tuesday. On Wednesday we will know what the pun dents and the politicians will say about the immediate future of our country. Well at least for the next two years…but much more important than the Mid Term Election on Tuesday is the Eternal Election spoken to us in this morning’s scripture.

THE FINAL ELECTION is all that really matters this morning. Your eternity is on the line.

TEXT: 2 Peter 1:10-11 – Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble;

for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


* You may/may not plan to vote Tuesday in the Mid Term Election, but you will vote in the Eternal Election.

* This FINAL ELECTION is a two-party ticket. You won’t be registered as a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. You’re either a Christian or a Non-Christian….

When you see the letter “R” (in the Eternal Election), you won’t be pulling the lever for the “Republicans”. Rather, you will sign your name under the list of names who have been “Redeemed”.

And when you see the letter “D”, you won’t be pulling for the lever for the “Democrats”. No, you will be casting your vote to be among the “De’ - livered”!

You cannot afford to be wrong in this THE FINAL ELECTION of all time, so cast your vote as though your soul is depending on it.

Question: What are the some of the things you need to know as you make your decision on the most important election of your life?

I. THERE ARE ONLY TWO CANDIDATES TO CHOOSE FROM. When you register to vote, you have to choose between being a “Republican” or a “Democrat”. Matthew 6:24 – “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”

The Mid Term Election a complicated election, but the FINAL ELECTION is not complicated at all! There are no confusing ballots, because Eternity is on the line.

Just one ballot with only two names…you’ve got a choice to make.


A. VOTE FOR GOD. If God wins your vote, you will have elected to serve a proven leader. His record of personal integrity and moral purity is spotless. He has never sinned. He is not a man that he should lie. He has a 100% pro-life voting record. He wrote the book on education (hold up Bible) and it has remained a best seller. He is anti-violence. He believes that if we get His love in our hearts, we won’t need guns to protect us from being attacked.

Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon formed against me shall prosper…

A vote for God is a vote for health-care and financial security. He “heals all your diseases,” (Psalm 103:3) and “supplies all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) If you cast your vote for God in THE FINAL ELECTION, you are electing as King Jesus as the Lord of your life.

Vote for God because He believes that every man, woman and child in the world counts and that they were all created equal no matter their race, color, language, or gender.

Acts 10:34-35 “God is no respecter of persons but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what it right.”

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