The Feet Series
Contributed by Jordan Muck on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The seven things God hates.
Series: Seven
Week: 6
Passage: Proverbs 6:18
Title: The Feet
Interesting Statement: The average person takes 18,000 steps a day, walking about 65,000 miles in a lifetime. More important than how far we travel is where we allow our feet to travel…
Introduction: In John 13 Jesus grabs a cloth and attempts to wash His disciples feet. Boldly Peter interrupts Jesus claiming not just his feet, but his whole body needed washed. Jesus knew Peter loved Him (accepted Him) and thus was already internally clean but his feet come had contact with dusty, worldly roads and still needed to be washed…. With our feet we either honor Jesus Christ (Matt. 8:22) fleeing from evil (1 Cor. 6:18) or “walk in the counsel of the wicked” running to immortality. Christians cleansed by Jesus blood have been transformed by the Gospel but are still liable to the corruption of every-day life depending where they allow their feet to take them. We have to evaluate where we walk, contemplating if it’s in line with Jesus and His Word or pulling us away from the life He ultimately wants…
#1: God Hates “Feet Rush into Evil” (“Dirty Feet” - Isaiah 53:6; John 13)
• Explanation: Isaiah says, “all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way” and because of that “the Lord laid on Jesus the sins of us all”. (Isaiah 53:6) The first step in spiritual “bathing” (purify our body) is confession and belief in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9 – Salvation). In acceptance of the Gospel we’re clean and covered but our “feet” day after day contact the sinful earth/world rejecting or accepting it. How can you know you have “feet that rush into evil” or “dirty feet”? Self-evaluation…
o Have I Failed to Accept Christ? – Jesus said to Peter (John 13) if He did not wash his feet then Peter would “have no share with Him”. Failure to accept Jesus Christ meant having permanent “dirty feet” (associated with the world).
• Ill. Sick people unable to take a bath unless another helps. We are unable to take a spiritual bath without Jesus Christ. The heart can only be cleansed by confession and belief in Jesus blood. You done this?
o Have I Failed to Listen to (apply) God’s Word? – After acceptance we continue to be transformed through application of God’s Word (Bible). Mary sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to Him. “Feet that run to evil” have no regard for God’s Word. They are un disciplined, going wherever they want (gossip circles, porn sites, etc.).
• Ill. Biker tells his feet where to go and how fast to go. He does not listen to his feet his feet listen to him. We listen to God’s Word, not ourselves!
o Have I Failed to Think? ¬– Dirty feet come when we do not contemplate (think). Proverbs tells us, “give careful thought to the paths for our feet”. (Proverbs 4:26)
• Ill. Fireman goes quickly to rescue but doesn’t get burned as he has disciplined his thoughts. Failure to think correctly means failure to walk correctly.
• Application: Jesus insists on not only saving us but also washing our feet daily! That's why he did it with the disciples and still does every day if we call (called forgiveness). Two options…
o Run to Our Own Desires - Failure to continue to enlist forgiveness, running too many times to evil, often allows God to give us up to our own paths and habits so we can see the true errors of our ways (passive wrath).
• “God gave them over in the sinful desires…” (Romans 1:24)
o Run to God’s Desires – The man that seeks the Lord knows he will not only be forgiven but also purified from all unrighteousness.
• “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
#2: God Loves Feet Rush to Godliness (Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:5; 12:1-2; James 1:22)
• Explanation: The gospel is given, not just to be known and believed, but also to be obeyed. It is not a system of ideas, but more a rule of practice. Jesus died for my sin (and yours) and thus it is my opportunity (not obligation) to honor Him through (1) confession then (2) obedience. Obedience strengthens faith allowing our feet to flee from evil and rush to godliness. How can we have feet that rush to Godliness?
o Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ! – Paul (and Isaiah) said those who bring the good news possess true, beautiful feet. (Isaiah 52:7 and Romans 10:15)
• Ill. Reiteration is best way to remember and understand. Those communicating the Gospel constantly keep their feet clean, as it’s constant remembrance of Jesus Christ cleansing! Do you do this?