
Summary: This faithful God has proven His faithfulness through a Faithful Passion, a Faithful Performance, and through Faithful Promises!! He was faithful in the past, and He will be faithful in the future.

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Deuteronomy 7:6-9


1. The word Deuteronomy means “second law.”

2. It is a book that is restating the law and reminding a new and young generation that they are loved and chosen.

3. God is also reminding them that He is faithful and that He will keep His covenants with this next generation.


1. Look around . . . we have an older generation in this church.

a. You have fought battles.

b. You have worked for the Lord.

c. You have built things and overseen things in the church.

d. You have faced things that has tried your faith.

e. God has never stopped loving you and God has been faithful to you, and God will continue being faithful to you and loving you even to the very end of the world!

2. Look around . . . there is a middle age generation in this church.

a. God loves you and will be faithful to you just like he has been to these snow capped folks . . . but you must stay faithful and love Him like the older generation did.

b. You will fight some of the same battles, but you will also fight some new battles. Stay true to God!

c. Work for God, build things for the glory of God, oversee the church as God would lead.

d. Again, stay faithful even when your faith is tried, and God will be faithful and love you until the end of the earth.

3. Look around . . . there’s a younger generation in this church.

a. In this world that rejects God, the bible, and the church in this modern muslym, sinful, anything goes religious world, there are a group of young people here is this church who needs to know . . . 1) God is faithful 2) God loves them 3) God will save them, and 4) God will help them to live a Spirit-filled life in this modern day!!

b. He will keep His promises and His covenants to true Christians in this day if they will be faithful to Him.

4. To All Generations!!

You can rest in Him. You can trust His Word. You can believe His promises. You can depend on His power. He will see you through whatever may come your way.

God is The Faithful God. There are some reasons given in this text that demonstrate the truth that our God is The Faithful God.

Body – The Faithful God


A. The Reality of God’s Passion - “set His love upon you” - “to passionately desire a thing.” God set His heart on the people of Israel and took every necessary step to bring them to Himself. He feels the same way about you too!

Just so you know, He loves you too!

• His love is everlasting - Jer. 31:3

“Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”

• His love is expensive - Rom. 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

• His love is extensive - John 3:16 (He loved the whole world.)

B. The Reaction of God’s Passion - “the Lord thy God hath chosen thee”

** Of all the people on the face of the earth, God chose the tiny nation of Israel to be the focus of His love, His grace and His mercy.

** If you are saved, it is because you chose to respond to His choice to call you and to save you!!

**React to God’s Passion by 1) Walking with the Lord 2) Working for the Lord 3) Worshipping the Lord

C. The Reasons For God’s Passion

**It was not based on how many, but it was based on His mercy!

1. He Did It Because Of His Will - “Because the Lord loved you.”

2. He Did It Because Of His Word – God made promises, and He was determined to keep His promises.

• God did not save you because He saw something good in you.

• God did not save you because He saw what a asset you would be to His kingdom.

** God saved you because Jesus Christ died for you on the cross!

** God saved you because you are His creation who called on Him in faith and asked Him to take away your sins.

** God saved you because He loves you!!

** God will be faithful to you because of these same reasons (Jesus died for you; you ask in faith; and He loves you!).


A. He Desires - He set His love upon them and us.

1. He desires good things for you! (Be faithful, and He’ll be faithful.)

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