
Summary: Gideon was just an ordinary man like you and I but God saw something in him

The Faith of Gideon by Gerald Van Horn

Hebrews 11:32

Gideon was in his day an ordinary man. He was a hard worker. He was dedicated. He was the 5th judge of Israel. God often uses ordinary people. People just like you and me.

We find Israel in a desperate situation. The Midianites and the Amalekites who were always plundering Israel’s goods taking their food, their flocks, and even their lands. The Lord saw the affliction of Israel and chose Gideon to put a stop to their thievery. Israel cried out to the Lord and God said, “It’s enough!” “No more!” Thus Gideon appears on the scene

What can we learn from Gideon as he seeks to please the Lord.

1. Gideon’s faith moves him to obey the Lord.

If there was ever a man who would be disqualified to do anything for the Lord it was Gideon. Check him out: He was timid, unworthy,, a no body yet God saw something in this young man. We conclude that it had to be faith however small his faith was. God looked beyond the traits that men look at and saw a yieldness. Something in this man that He could use. Ladies and gentleman there is hope for all of us. Just as God used Gideon and he was chosen to do great things for God so can you and I. God may be calling you right now to some great task. Listen and obey. God will show you the way.

2. Gideon’s faith moved him to action. He found out very quickly if God calls you to do some task or work He will also equip you. Jesus said, ”Lo, I am with you always.” However, He also said, “If I go away I will send you another Comforter.”

3. Gideon’s faith moved him to the alter of the one true God. Gideon was told by God not only to tear down the alters of the god Baal but to also rebuild the alters of the Lord. (Judges 6:26) All of this was no easy task. It’s not easy today to build the alter of prayer but it is also the only answer to this world’s problems. We must contend for the faith that was once delivered. Jude 3. That takes great courage.

4. Gideon’s faith over took the odds that He was facing. Gideon had 32,000 men we learn from Judges 7:3. What a shock it must have been when God told him that was too many. So, he reduces them and then is asked to reduce them even further Judges 7:4-7. He must have thought “What kind of strategy for war is this?” But we see that God was in control. Verse 2 gives us the answer and so does Zechariah 4:6 and I Corinthians 1:27. God knew that heart of the Israelites and knew they would claim the victory. What a lesson for us today. We struggle in our troubles and difficulties and in desperation try to solve them in our own strength. It never works that way. Not with God’s people. Trusting in the Lord is one of the most magnificent efforts on the part of the children of the Lord. We sing, “Trust and obey for there is no other way.” But do we really trust Him?

5. Gideon’s faith caused him to use God’s weapons to fight the enemy. Here is where the rubber meets the road! Trumpets, pitcher and lamps! You got to be kidding! I do not know all the facts concerning the way God works. But I do know it works and I glory in Him when it happens. God is calling us to do the same. He will fight our battles for us if we live for Him and we serve Him.

Try it and see. Stand still and see God work things out in His way. God give me the will to heed Your counsel. The victory in my life depends on such trust. We are living in days of great danger and stress. The enemy has crossed the line and he will be defeated. God will give you a mighty deliverance. It will be worth it all when we see face to face our Gideon the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, what a Savoir.

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