
Summary: David’s victory over Goliath is presented as an encouragement for us to develop the same kind of faith to conquer our giants.

The Faith of David

I Samuel 17

The story of David and Goliath is one of if not the best known story of the Bible. When Thressia and I lived in Lubbock there was a bible class teacher at the Broadway church that had a unique way of teaching the story of David and Goliath. He constructed a cardboard Goliath and suspended him against one wall by string. As the teacher told the story and she would come to the part about David slinging the stone and hitting Goliath, the children would throw ping pong balls at the cardboard Goliath. When the balls would hit the giant, the teacher would release the strings and Goliath would fall to the floor. Everyone within hearing distance knew when Goliath fell for the children would shout in victory as the giant fell to the floor. It’s a great story but unfortunately, we have relegated it to a story for children and never consider its deeper meaning. Tonight we want to explore the story of David and Goliath and how it demonstrates the faith that David had and the faith that we need to have to destroy the giants in our lives.


1. The nation of Israel was at war with the Philistines. Vs. 1-3

2. The Philistines throw in a 9’ 9" ringer named Goliath. Vs. 4-7

3. Goliath issues a challenge to Israel to send a man to fight him. Vs. 8-10

4. Saul and the army of Israel react in terror. Vs. 11

5. Then along comes Jones - that is, David, our hero. Vs. 12-14

6. The plot thickens. Vs. 14b-25


1. His faith cut Goliath down to size. Vs. 26

2. His faith helped him defy opposition.

A. From his family. Vs. 28-30

B. From the leaders of the army. Vs. 31-33

3. His faith was built on experience. Vs. 34-37

4. His faith did not need worldly armor. Vs. 38-39

5. His faith relied on his God given skills. Vs. 40

6. His faith withstood ridicule from the enemy. Vs. 41-44

7. His faith glorified God. Vs. 45-47

8. His faith brought victory over the giant. Vs. 48-51

David faced a real 9’9" giant and cut him down to size through his faith. The giants we face in our lives may not be physical but they are just as real. If we expect to be victorious over the giants in our lives, we must, like David:

1. Have a firm commitment to God.

2. Remember how God has helped us in the past.

3. Put God ahead of family and friends.

4. Rely on God’s protection, not man’s protection.

5. Use our God given skills to win the battle.

6. Ignore worldly criticism.

7. Glorify God.

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