
The Example of Christ

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Jesus loved everyone impartially and intentionally, breaking cultural barriers and societal norms. We are called to follow His example and love others in the same way.

The Example of Christ

Youth Group Plan: The Example of Christ (James 2:1-9, John 4:1-42)

Youth Sermon: The Example of Christ

Introduction and Prayer

Do you remember Jesus' greatest commandment? He told us to love each other just like He loved us. Today, we're going to see how Jesus walked the talk.

Let's pray: God, help us to love like You do. Show us how to look past our differences and love everyone, no matter what. Teach us to love like Jesus did. Amen.

He told us to love each other just like He loved us.

Jesus' Love in Action

So, Jesus told us to love each other like He loved us. But what does that look like? Let's check out two stories from the Bible that show us exactly how Jesus loved.

First, let's talk about a woman from Samaria. Now, back in the day, Jews and Samaritans didn't get along. But Jesus didn't care about that. He talked to this woman at a well, which was a big no-no back then. But Jesus didn't care about the rules. He cared about her. He even told her He was the Messiah, and she ended up spreading the good news to her whole town.

Then there's Zaccheus. This guy was a tax collector, which made him super unpopular. But Jesus didn't care about popularity. He went to Zaccheus' house for dinner. People were shocked, but Jesus knew Zaccheus needed love and acceptance. And guess what? Zaccheus ended up finding salvation.

Now, imagine you have a bag of mixed candies. You might have your favorites, but what if I told you to share them equally with everyone, even the people you don't like? That's what Jesus is asking us to do with His love. He doesn't want us to pick and choose who we love. He wants us to love everyone, just like He did.

Challenge and Closing Prayer

So, what does this mean for us? It means we need to love everyone, no exceptions, no excuses. That kid at school who everyone avoids? Show them some love. The neighbor who's different from you? Show them some love. Let's challenge ourselves this week to love like Jesus did.

Let's pray: God, help us to love like Jesus. Show us who needs our love this week and give us the courage to reach out. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How did Jesus show love to the Samaritan woman and Zaccheus?

2. Why is it important to love people who are different from us?

3. Who is someone in your life that you find difficult to love?

4. What are some practical ways you can show love to this person?

5. How can we follow Jesus' example of loving others impartially and intentionally?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Breaking Barriers

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