
The Evolution of Faith

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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This sermon explores the three different stages of faith, demonstrating its growth and evolution.


Today, we will explore the three distinct phases of faith that are evident in the story of Lazarus' death. These phases can be described as struggling faith, clinging faith, and resting faith. Let us delve into each phase and understand their significance.

I. Struggling Faith (Martha) - John 11:20-27

In this phase, Martha finds herself in deep water, desperately searching for something to hold onto. She realizes that if Jesus had been present, her brother Lazarus would still be alive. Martha believes that God will grant Jesus whatever he asks for, but Jesus has a different plan. He assures Martha that her brother will rise again, explaining that He is the resurrection and the life. Mary also acknowledges Jesus as the Christ during this phase.

II. Clinging Faith (Mary and the Crowd) - John 11:32-37

In the clinging faith phase, Mary and the crowd find themselves hanging onto the side of a boat, still struggling despite having found something to cling to. They express their disappointment that Jesus did not arrive earlier to save Lazarus. They believe that Jesus could have done something when Lazarus was alive, but now it seems too late.

III. Resting Faith (Those who rolled away the stone) - John 11:40-41

The resting faith phase represents a state of security and peace. Those who rolled away the stone from Lazarus' tomb have reached a point of rest in their faith. Initially hesitant due to the stench of Lazarus' decaying body, they eventually trust in Jesus' words and remove the stone. This phase leads to a remarkable outcome - Lazarus is raised from the dead.


It is important to note that struggling faith may lead to the clinging faith phase, but it is not enough to reach the resting faith phase. Simply clinging to faith without fully committing to Jesus will not bring about the desired rest. Jesus invites all who are burdened and weary to come to Him for rest. We must labor to enter into His rest, as stated in Hebrews 4:9-11.

In conclusion, the story of Lazarus' resurrection not only demonstrates the three phases of faith but also highlights the impact of resting faith on others. As a result of witnessing Lazarus' resurrection, the people believed and shared the news with others. May we strive for a faith that rests in Jesus, leading us to experience His miraculous power and share it with those around us.

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