
Summary: “You will see his glory within you… shone anew upon the eyes of our mind!”

The idea of "be a star" during Epiphany is a way to reflect on the story of the Magi, or the three wise men, following a star to find baby Jesus. To be a star is not the same thing as being called a star.

E.g., The leader of the patriots in the second Jewish War, A.D. 130-135, Bar Kosba, changed his resistance name, from “son of a young ram,” to Bar Kokhba, “son of a star.” 1

To be a star is to be a leader or guide of others to Jesus and his Church because the message of epiphany is that Jesus Christ is meant for everyone across the world.

We hear Isaiah 60:1 in our First Reading; “Your light has come,” (60:1). This is light radiating from a divine source which is Jesus Christ in your soul so that you are illuminated in your intellect. It begins with you as eventually all nations shall walk by this light, and kings by Christ’s shining radiance.

Where is God’s light shining in our own world if it’s not shining in you? And how are we, like the disciples, being invited to share that divine light with a world in need? Isaiah says, “your heart shall throb and overflow.” The Magi were overjoyed at seeing the star. You are a star when you lead someone to the true religion which leads to eternal happiness.

The magi follow the star wherever it leads them. This is conscience. Like the star it is both clear when its formed correctly – What exactly is it saying?

John Henry Newman, wrote so powerfully about conscience because he followed it so keenly himself, he argued that conscience always has something imperative about it.

Conscience is a call, a demand, a summons. And it always points beyond itself. It suggests the way, but calls on you to seek further, more explicit clarification and formation on the truth. 2

A true star will never lead others to darkness.


From magi we get the words magic and magicians. Since astrology is condemned as being against the First Commandment, how is it that the Magi used astrology to find Jesus? Astrologers believe that the alignment of celestial objects affects a person's personality, mood, and environment, depending on their birth date. Pope Benedict answers, saying that astrology, whatever role it had in the ancient world, finds its end in the star of Bethlehem. 3

Of course, Tarot Card readers, psychics, and horoscopes are all against the First Commandment. While it’s true that some practitioners of the occult do have special "abilities" but they come from demons and/or the opening of their occult third eye. Once the Occult Third Eye is opened, that means the person is bonded to demons and thus the person has access to some of their thoughts and perceptions, just as they have access to some of the person’s. There is a kind of symbiotic relationship between the demons and a possessed soul. In an exorcism, that eye is shut. We have a safe and holy means to access the Triune God and the heavens: prayer in Jesus. In Him, we might not get tantalizing knowledge or the information we want. But we need to trust that whatever the Lord chooses to give, it is what we should have. Whatever the Lord gives is always for our benefit and contributes to our eternal happiness. 4

The Magi asked Herod, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? Herod’s advisers say, “it is so written” which means “the inspired text says” or “for thus it has been written through the prophet.” So, the Old Testament scriptures, not astrology or horoscopes, directs the Magi where to go and then they see the star again which guides them the rest of the way.

The liturgy of the hours in this season frequently says, “You will see his glory within you… shone anew upon the eyes of our mind!” which echoes John 11:40 when Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"

The true King is born. All are invited to bow down in worship before him (Isa. 2:3). Where is the newborn King of the Jews? How can I help others to encounter Christ? The Council of Trent mentions the Magi’s worship of the Christ child as a model for our adoring him in the Eucharist. In the Eucharist—Bethlehem means House of Bread...This will be sign for you-- a bit of consecrated bread.

Lastly, of the Magi, it says, “And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, [the Magi] departed for their country by another way.

Whom can I rely on to warn me away from danger and sin? Who gives me an example of following God’s way?

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