
Summary: Based on Eph. 6:10-11 - Helps hearers identify our enemy, his tactics, & his defeat.

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“THE ENEMY WE FACE” Eph. 6:10-11

FBCF – 8/1/21

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Will Smith in MIB movie – facing a nasty-looking, bug-like alien – “Don’t start nothing. Won’t be nothing.” – i.e., Don’t start a fight & there won’t be a fight.

Unfortunately, in the spiritual world, the fight has already started & is going on right now. It’s a daily reality for every one of us who are Christ-followers. B/c of that, we are starting a sermon series today – “It’s About to Get Real.” For next 5 weeks, take a look at spiritual warfare.

EXPLANATION – Ephesians 6:10-11

“The daily business of the Christian is to resist the devil, deny himself, overcome the world, crucify the flesh w/ its affections & lusts, imitate Christ, walk w/ God.” (19th century theologian, Williams Plumer)

God has provided the means for us as His children to be able to go about our daily business as a Christian – resisting, denying, overcoming, crucifying, imitating, & walking.

First & foremost, He gives us the Holy Spirit the moment that we are saved. At that instant, we are given:

- Power

- Position

- Provision

- Protection

It’s this protection that Paul writes about in Ephesians 6:10-20 – the armor of God.

Ephesians – Who we are (ch. 1-3); How we live (ch. 4-6:9). Ends w/ How we fight (ch. 6:10-24) b/c we’ve got an enemy to face.

APPLICATION – We must know who our enemy is & how he operates so we can stand against him.

THE ENEMY’S DESCRIPTION – Multiple descriptions in Scripture about our enemy:

- Satan – 52 times in Bible – “adversary”

- Lucifer – Prideful “Day Star” that fell from heaven – Isaiah14:12

- The anointed cherub – Ezekiel 28:14

- The Devil – most popular – only appear in NT – “slanderer” – Matthew 4:1

- Tempter – Matthew 4:3

- Ruler of Demons – Matthew 9:34

- Beelzebub – “lord of the flies” – “lord of dung” – Matthew 12:24

- The Evil One – Matthew 13:19

- The Enemy – Matthew 13:39

- Liar & the father of lies; Murderer – John 8:44

- Ruler of this world – 1 John 5:19

- The god of this age – 2 Corinthians 4:4

- Angel of light – 2 Corinthians 11:14

- Belial – “vileness” – 2 Corinthians 6:15

- Prince of the power of the air – Ephesians 2:2

- Our adversary; roaring lion – 1 Peter 5:8

- Apollyon & Abaddon – “destroyer” – Revelation 9:11

- The great dragon, the old serpent, the deceiver of the whole world – Revelation 12:9

- Accuser of God’s people – Revelation 12:10

“Satan has no conscience, no compassion, no remorse, no morals. He feeds on pain & anguish & filth.” (R. Kent Hughes, Ephesians: The Mystery of the Body of Christ, p.216)

THE ENEMY’S DEVICES – Satan knows that he can’t alter our salvation. We are safe in the grip of God & no one & nothing will ever change that.

Satan can’t take the Holy Spirit away from us. He can’t stop blessings that God intentionally sends out way. He can’t detach us from God’s love.

- Romans 8:38-39 – “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (NIV)

So what CAN he do? What does he WANT to do? Charles Stanley: “His goal is to keep you from winning souls, from using your spiritual gifts to bless the Body of Christ, & from doing God’s work…Satan continues to come after you to undermine what you say & do so that your influence for Christ on this earth will be weakened & ineffective. It is for that reason that he continues to seek every way possible to discourage you, cause you to live in depression & oppression, make your life miserable & less fulfilling, fill your mind w/ doubts, & assault you w/ all manner of sickness, tragedy, & crises.” (When the Enemy Strikes, p. 16)

Satan schemes – “schemes” – methodias – His methods include sickness; confusion; lying; corrupting & destroying families, businesses, churches, cities, nations; hindering the work & spread of the Gospel; choking your faith, snatching the Word of God away from you; false teachers/preachers,

Satan seduces – “to lead astray; to lead or draw away; to win over, attract, or entice.” – Advertisers constantly working to win you over, entice you away from one brand to their brand.

Satan solicits – Solicit not necessarily a bad word or action. But it can mean to try to influence someone into a wrong or unlawful action. More specifically, a prostitute tries to solicit money from someone in exchange for money.

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