
The Empty Tomb

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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The empty tomb is a sign of hope for believers, reminding us that Jesus has risen and fulfilled His promise.

The Empty Tomb

Youth Group Plan: The Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12, 1 Corinthians 15:14)

Youth Sermon: The Empty Tomb

The Empty Tomb of Jesus

Today, we're gonna talk about the empty tomb of Jesus. It's that moment when Jesus rose from the dead and changed everything for us. So, let's dive in and see what this means for our lives today.

First, let's read Luke 24:1-12. This is the story of when Jesus' friends went to visit his tomb, but instead of finding his body, they found it empty! Can you imagine how shocked they must have been?

Jesus rose from the dead and changed everything for us.

The Significance of the Empty Tomb

Now, I want to show you something cool. (Bring out a clear container filled with water and a small object that floats.) This container represents the tomb, and this floating object represents Jesus. When Jesus was placed in the tomb, everyone thought he was gone for good. But just like this object that floats to the top, Jesus didn't stay down. He rose from the dead, proving that he is alive and powerful!

So, why does this matter to us? Well, the empty tomb is a sign that Jesus really did rise from the dead, and that gives us hope. Because Jesus is alive, we can trust him with our lives and know that he's always with us.

In 1 Corinthians 15:14, the Bible says that if Jesus didn't rise from the dead, our faith would be useless. But because he did, we can have confidence in our faith and know that Jesus is who he says he is.

The Truth of the Resurrection

Now, let's talk about a story in Matthew 28:11-15. Some people tried to spread a lie that Jesus' body was stolen, but we know that's not true. Jesus really did rise from the dead, and that's why we can have hope in him.

So, what does this mean for our lives? It means that no matter what we're going through, we can trust Jesus. He's alive and powerful, and he wants to help us through our struggles.

Let's finish with a prayer. "God, thank you for the empty tomb and the hope it gives us. Help us to trust you more and more each day, knowing that you are alive and with us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Why is the empty tomb significant to our faith?

2. How does the empty tomb give us hope in difficult times?

3. What are some ways we can share the hope of the empty tomb with others?

4. How can we remind ourselves of the hope we have in Jesus when we face challenges?

5. How does the resurrection of Jesus impact our daily lives as believers?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Resurrection Relay

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