The Emmaus Experience
Contributed by Rick Boyne on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The reality of the risen Christ in our lives can make a difference everyday.
The Emmaus Experience
April 19, 2009 Evening Service
Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK
Rick Boyne
Message Point: The reality of the risen Christ in our lives can make a difference everyday.
Focus Passage: Luke 24:13-31
I. Heart Breaking
a. They thought that all of their hopes had been dashed in Jesus’ death.
II. Heart Searching
a. He would have reminded them that right back at the Fall of Mankind the apparently victorious Satan, in the form of the serpent, was told that the seed, the offspring of the woman "will crush your head, and you will strike his heel" (Gen 3:15). What a wonderful anticipation of Jesus at Calvary.
b. And so was foretold the story of the cosmic struggle between death and life, of the pattern of death and resurrection in the Old Testament revelation. It’s clearly visible in the life of Abraham, sacrificing his dear and only son Isaac and getting him back again; of Joseph, preserved to become the benefactor of his brothers who tried to destroy him; of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt after having been saved from the angel of death through the sign of the blood of the Passover lamb.
c. teaching of how the Israelites escaped physical death in the wilderness from a plague of serpents when they looked trustingly to a great bronze serpent which Moses raised on a pole, pointing out that he too would be lifted up on the Cross, "that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life in him" (John 3:15).
d. Jesus would surely have taken the now speechless disciples through the Suffering Servant of Jehovah passages in Isaiah. He would have recounted how the nation of Israel, taken into exile and brought back again to rebuild Jerusalem, was a symbol of the greater redemption through personal salvation through faith in him.
III. Heart Burning
a. He waited to be invited in
b. He broke bread and they saw His hands. All together different than feeding 5000 or breaking bread at the last supper.
Invitation: They were unaware that Jesus was walking beside them the whole time. Are you aware of Jesus’ presence in your life today? Can we share that with others?