The Elements Of Joy Series
Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The sermon speaks the source of joy, and the first element of joy, the joy of recollection.
#3, 4-1-7
Elements of Joy (1)
Text; Philippians 1:1-4
Joy in Christ, in the NT verb rejoice used 96 times, joy 59 times
Review; Paul’s greetings to the church v1-2
I. Paul a bond-servant of Christ
A. Christ being Lord a major emphasis in Paul’s writings
B. Being a servant or a free agent
C. What it meant to Paul, to be a 100%er
II. They were Saints in Christ
III. They were a structured church
A. They were closely associated
1. They fellowshipped together
2. They worshiped, prayer, served together
App. Churchless Christianity in America today
B. They had leaders
1. Overseers/elder of pastors
They had high qualifications (Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:1-6)
They were responsible to watch the flocks
2. Deacons
Leaders who gave practical service, most have high moral and spiritual standards (1Timothy 3:8-13)
Are you committed to a church?
How closely are you connected with other believers?
Do you resist committing yourself to a group of believers?
Do you have a Shepard to watch over you and care for you?
The Joy of the Lord
I. The Source of true joy
A. Deference between happiness and joy
1. Happiness is dependant on circumstance
2. Joy is not dependant on circumstances but from within
B. It depends on your relationship with Christ
1. Salvation
2. Full commitment or surrender
C. It is developed through living under the control of the Holy Spirit, a fruit of the Spirit
II. The Elements of Joy
A. The joy of recollection
1. Paul’s remembrance of them, 1st conversions, their generosity
2. Fleshly guided remembrances
Focus on the bad in others, critical
Focus on the failures of others- bitterness
3. Holy Spirit guided remembrances
We all have both good and bad memories
The Holy Spirit helps us to focus on the good
Do you have joyful recollections?
Are you focused on the failures and shortcomings of others?
Are you focused on your own failures and shortcomings?
Are you letting your fleshly sinful nature guide how you remember things?
Are you letting the Holy Spirit guide your remembrances?
B. The Joy of Intercession
1. Paul’s prayer for them
a. Prayer can bring joy
b. Intercession (pray for others) is focusing on the needs of others
2. Joy is determined by focus
a. Focus on self leads to less joy
b. Focus on others leads to more joy
Jesus First
Others Second
Yourself last
Does your prayer life bring you joy?
Do you enjoy spending time with God in prayer?
Have you experienced great joy in God’s presence?
Do you focus more on yourself or others in your prayer?