The Drought Is Over: Ready For The Abundance
Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Drought Is Over: Ready For The Abundance
Are You Ready For The Abundance?
I Kings 18:41-46
There comes a time in every believer’s life when they will experience drought. A time of loneliness. A time of resource-less-ness. A time when all we have is a wing and a prayer.
The word drought comes from the word tsimmaown. It literally means dry, thirsty, desert ground.
Somebody in this place, not you but your neighbor is finding
Their finances in dry, thirsty, desert ground.
Their relationships in dry, thirsty, desert ground.
Their professions in dry, thirsty, desert ground.
Their confessions in dry, thirsty, desert ground.
You just might be sitting next to somebody that is dying of thirst right now and don’t even know it.
You just might be sitting next to somebody that is spiritually dehydrated right now and don’t even know it.
You just might be sitting next to somebody that is experiencing deprivation right now and don’t even know it.
Ask your neighbor “Do you need a drink?”
The word of the Lord tonight is “Drought is on its way out, and the rain is going to reign in your life.”
He says “there’s a time and a season for everything.” So if the drought had a time and season, then I know my abundance got a time and a season too! I know it’s dry, thirsty, desert ground. That’s what I see. But it isn’t what I see, it’s what I hear.
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” We walk by faith or the conception of what we heard and not by what I see.
I see the desert but I hear the abundance. I see the dry, thirsty desert ground but I hear the abundance.
Abundance comes from the word huper-bole meaning throwing beyond; exceeding greatness; still more excellent; more and more exceeding excellence.”
God is saying that there is going to be a shifting from dry, thirsty, desert ground, a shifting from non-productivity, a shifting from just thrown together to more and more exceeding excellence.
More and more exceeding excellence CONFESSIONS.
More and more exceeding excellence RELATIONSHIPS.
More and more exceeding excellence IN YOUR PROFESSIONS.
More and more exceeding excellence IN YOUR FINANCES .
If you can hold on till the morning the rain is coming.
His anger endures but a moment; in his favor is life; Weeping may (not will but may; not probility but possibility) but joy cometh in the morning! That’s the part we miss. When the clock hits12 midnight tomorrow morning has just begun.
It still dark but it’s morning
The stars are still shining but it’s morning.
The moon is out but it still morning
The sun has come up but it still morning
Everybody is still sleep but its still morning
But on the way to the morning, on the way to the abundance of rain you got to learn to do some things.
You got to persevere. Elijah sends the servant seven times to look for the vehicle that’s carrying the miracle. Ask seven people: “Are you the vehicle carrying my miracle?”
I am just crazy enough to ask. Because you just might have a check with the amount I need. You might just be the one to bless with a brand new car. You might just be the vehicle carrying my miracle. You just might be the vehicle and don’t even know it. When Jesus sent the disciples to get the colt for him to make the triumphant entry the didn’t know thy were driving the vehicle that was carrying my miracle.
He says persevere. It comes from the Greek word “proskarteresis”, meaning to continue doing something in spite of opposition.
Some people are so comfortable in the dryness till they think everybody else is enjoying it. And when they see you trying to come out, they try to hold you back. But I learned to see the blessing in dead weight.
When you first experience dead weight, you become traumatized and hysterical. You fall apart, but you grow up. And after a while it doesn’t bother you anymore. Then you begin to move in power and strength. Now, you have built and endurance and strength level.
That is why you “count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations; knowing that the trying of your faith worketh endurance. But let endurance have her perfect work, that you may be perfected and complete wanting nothing.
When dead weight comes I’m going to shout.
When dead weight comes I’m going to get my praise on.
When dead weight comes I’m going to lift up holy hands.
When dead weight comes I’m going to dance straight through my drought.
Imagine the strain of the servant. Six times the servant listened to the same instruction. Six times he followed the same procedures. Six times the servant he came back with the same answer. But the seventh time. He had the same instruction, the same procedure, but a different answer. The seventh time he saw the vehicle carrying the miracles.