
The Divine Potter and His Clay

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Sometimes He has to break our worldly vessels and make us over again


Today, I want to talk about the beautiful analogy of God being the Potter and us being the clay. Sometimes, God needs to break our worldly vessels and reshape us for His purpose and glory. This process of transformation is necessary and beneficial for us as believers.

God as the Master Potter

Just like in the creation of man, where God formed him from the dust of the ground, God is the one who shapes and molds us. He has complete control over the clay, and we, as clay, must yield to His will. The potter's power over the clay is unlimited, and we cannot resist or question His authority.

The Example of Israel

In the book of Jeremiah, God uses the example of Israel to illustrate His relationship with His people. Just as the potter can reshape a marred vessel, God can do the same with Israel. Despite their disobedience and idolatry, God has not abandoned them. He will bring them back to Himself in due time.

Israel's Rebellion

During Jeremiah's time, Israel had fallen into deep disobedience. They were involved in idolatrous worship, sacrificing their own children to false gods. Their hearts were filled with sin, and their focus was on wealth and materialism. They had become self-centered, trusting in themselves rather than in God.

Lessons from the Potter and the Clay

1. Be Free of Impurities: Just as the potter removes air pockets and pebbles from the clay, we must confess and forsake our sins. We need to allow God to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

2. Stay Centered on God: We must remain focused on God, not sliding towards worldly desires or distractions. If we become off-centered, we may face difficulties and hardships.

3. Be Responsive to God's Touch: Just as the clay responds to the potter's touch, we need to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand. We must allow Him to shape us according to His will.


God is the Master Potter, and He is actively involved in shaping and molding us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes, He may need to break us to get our attention and reshape us for His purpose. Let us yield to His will, confess our sins, stay centered on Him, and be responsive to His touch. In doing so, we will become vessels of honor, bringing glory to God.

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