
Summary: dying to self

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The Disease of “Me”:

TEXT; Ps. 131:1-3

Intro: A problem

I. There’s a disease on the loose!

a. It is serious, life threatening.

b. It is devastating. Have you heard about it?

1. A wife is crying,

2. A husband is drinking,

3. A young man is running away,

4. A young lady is giving up her purity for so called, lacking, love.

c. It is “The disease of me.”

II. Magic Johnson- from Nelson’s pg. 634

Basketball coach Pat Riley in his book The Winner Within tells about the 1980 World Championship Los Angeles Lakers.

They won the NBA Championship that year, and they were recognized as the best basketball team in the world.

They began their 1980-1981 season considered likely to win back-to-back championships.

But within weeks of the season opener, Magic Johnson tore a cartilage in his knee, and he needed a three month recuperation period.

The team and the fans rallied, and the remaining players played their hearts out.

They determined to make it through that period without losing their rankings.

They were winning seventy percent of their games when the tie began to draw near for Magic Johnson to return to action.

As his return grew closer, the publicity surrounding him increased.

During time-outs at the games, the public address announcer would always say, “And don’t forget to mark your calendars for February 27th. Magic Johnson returns to the lineup of your World Champion Los Angeles Lakers!”

During that announcement, the other players would look up and curse.

They’d say, “We’re winning now. What’s so great about February 27th?”

As the day approached, fewer and fewer things were written or said about the players who were putting out so much effort.

All the media attention was focused on the one player who hadn’t been doing a thing.

Finally the 27th came, and as they clicked through the turnstiles every one of the 17,500 ticket holders was handed a button that said, “The magic is back!”

At least fifty press photographers crowded onto the floor while the players were introduced.

Normally only the starters were introduced, and Magic Johnson was going to be on the bench when the game began. But he was nevertheless included in the introductions.

At the mention of his name, the arena rocked with a standing ovation. Flashbulbs went off like popcorn.

Magic Johnson was like a returning god to the crowd that night.

Meanwhile the other players who had carried the team for three months and who were totally ignored, were seething with jealousy, resentment, anger, and envy.

They were so resentful that they barely won the game that night against a bottom-of-the-bucket team, and eventually the morale of the entire team collapsed.

The players turned on each other. The coach was fired. And they eventually lost their opening game of the play-offs, having of the most disastrous records ever.

Riley said, “Because of greed, pettiness, and resentment, we executed one of the fastest falls from grace in NBA history. It was the Disease of Me.

a. What is it? PRIDE!

Read pg. 633 Nelson’s “Someone Once Said”.

Pride is the only disease known to man that makes everyone sick except the one who has it.- “Uncle” Bud Robinson

It is out of self-love that all other evil passions spring. _Alexander Whyte

Pride is the ground in which all other sins grow. -William Barkley

None are so empty as those who are full of themselves. - Benjamin Whichcote

A man wrapped up in himself makes a pretty small package. - Anonymous

An egoist is someone who is always me-deep in conversation. -Milton Berle

Did you notice how we shook that bridge? - a flea to the elephant he was riding after crossing an old bridge.

III. Which sin is worst of all?

a. -Word Aflame Adult teacher pg. 57

b. Lucifer had a high place in Heaven’s hierarchy.

c. Pg. 58

d. Pg. 59

Pg. 636 Nelson’s But Jesus…

We take pride in birth and rank, but it’s said of Jesus, He was a carpenter’s son.

We take pride in possessions, but it’s said of Jesus, “The Son of man hath no lace to lay His head.”

We take pride in our respectability, but it’s said of Jesus, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

We take pride in our personal appearance, but it’s said of Jesus, “He hath no form nor comeliness.”

We take pride in our reputation, but it’s said of Jesus, “Behold a man gluttonous and a winebibber.”

We take pride in our friendships, but it’s said of Jesus, “He was a friend of publicans and sinners.”

We take pride in our independence, but Jesus gave himself to people and had the woman at the well draw water for him.

We take pride in our degrees and learning, but Jesus never went to college and it’s said of Him, “How knows this man letters having never learned to read?”

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