
The Difficulty of Love

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Love can be difficult, especially when it involves people who are different or disagree with us. However, through humility and the help of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome these challenges and love like Jesus.

The Difficulty of Love

Youth Group Plan: The Difficulty of Love (James 4:1-3, James 4:7-10, Galatians 5:16-26)

Youth Sermon: The Difficulty of Love

Opening Prayer

God, loving others can be really tough sometimes. Help us to love like you do, even when it's super hard. Thanks for loving us and giving us a way to forgiveness through Jesus.

The Real Deal About Love

Today, we're gonna chat about the real deal about love. We all have those stories of times when it was super hard to love someone. We live in a world that's not perfect, with people who are not perfect. Sin has made it hard to love and be loved. But we can look to Jesus as our example and make a choice to love God and others.

It's easy to love our friends, but it's harder to love those who are different or disagree with us. Today, we'll dig into why love is so hard and how we can get better at it.

We can look to Jesus as our example and make a choice to love God and others.

Life in the Spirit

Imagine you're playing a game of tug-of-war. On one side, you have your desires, and on the other side, you have what God wants for you. It's a constant pull and push, right? That's what it's like when we try to love others. Our selfish desires often win, just like in the story of Cain and Abel. Cain was jealous and angry because God liked Abel's offering better. This jealousy led him to do something terrible.

We can't beat sin on our own. We need Jesus, our perfect high priest, to offer a sacrifice for our forgiveness. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live right and in unity. But our selfish nature fights against the Spirit, leading to fights and division.

Humble Yourselves

It's not easy to admit that we're hard to love and struggle to love others. But the book of James gives us a solution. We gotta humble ourselves before God, submitting to Him and obeying His commands. This shows our love for Him.

Think about your relationships. Are there any where you're more focused on winning the tug-of-war than loving the other person? This week, try to let go of the rope. Let God's love win.

Humility doesn't come naturally to us. We tend to be selfish and proud, making it hard to love God, others, and ourselves. But remember, Jesus conquered sin so we can experience a restored and redeemed life. If we humble ourselves, He will lift us up.

Closing Prayer

God, help us to love like you do. Give us the humility to ask for your help and love others well. Thanks for your love and grace. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Why is it sometimes difficult to love others?

2. How can we overcome these difficulties?

3. How can humility help us love others better?

4. Can you share a time when you found it hard to love someone? How did you handle it?

5. How can we show love to people who are different from us or disagree with us?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Love Charades

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