
Summary: The Day of Pentecost marks the beginning of an authentic ministry for the disciples of Jesus, and we need such an experience to be effective in ministry, especially as we prepare people to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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It was a unique occurrence. On that day, the setting was right and the atmosphere was conducive for a mighty move of God. When Jesus came into the world, He came through a family unit. That family became a multitude, made up of people He had nurtured and prepared to continue with the work He had started. The work He left with them was enormous, and could never be done in their own strength. They needed help, not from man, but from God. They needed His presence. He had assured them of His presence saying, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age”. They needed the tangible presence of God and Jesus had ascended into heaven. Now, they needed the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Jesus told them that He will pray that the Father sends them Another Helper (John 14:16)

The Holy Spirit is the Promise of the Father. God clearly said in Joel 2:28-29 that He will send Him, “pour Him out upon all flesh”. A phenomenon that was to affect people of all ages, with no one excluded, not even women or slaves.

We celebrate Easter quite extensively and end the celebrations on Easter Sunday. The resurrection Sunday begins the actual journey into understanding the full package given to us by Jesus Christ. After His resurrection, He showed Himself to many and gave us instructions and commandments including the Great Commission. After that, He ascended into heaven, 40 days after the resurrection. Then, ten days after that was when the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. As such, the Day of Pentecost is exactly 50 days after the resurrection.


They were in one place, gathered together (the disciples including the mother of Jesus, numbering about 120 persons - Acts 1:12-15). That is not all, these disciples were also in one accord. There was unity among them. They had the same mind, purpose and agenda. We know that people can gather together in one place and yet not be in one accord. People meeting together does not mean they are in unity. There are others with whom you can be completely united and yet, who are not with you in one place. In the Upper Room, they were in prayer. The readiness was clear for a mighty miracle, a miracle that was to affect all humanity. And things began to happen.

First, a rushing mighty wind. This wind was loud and violent. They could hear the sound of it, and the sound came from heaven. You know how we wish we could hide when the sound that follows lightning when it is raining. But this time, there was no rain, and they were in a room upstairs. The wind filled the whole room where they were sitting.

They were SITTING and praying. Some people seem to believe that for prayer to be potent, we must be standing to pray. This was not the case in the Upper Room. they were sitting and the power of God came upon them mightily.

Then there were tongues of fire, which they saw! The Bible says it appeared to them. It did not come as one big flame but the flames were divided, one for each head. Only God can do all these things. They were to go out, with a flame on their head, and change the world for Jesus. Oh that a flame of the fire of the Holy Spirit will rest upon my head, all the days of my life. That I will turn the environments where I live, work and worship upside down for the Lord Jesus!

I think these two sudden events brought them to total surrender, and ready for what was to follow, they were ALL filled with the Holy Spirit and BEGAN to speak with other tongues.


They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. What does it mean that they were filled. The Spirit of God came upon them and entered them. They had been thirsty for the things of God. Jesus said in John 7:37-39. that anyone who thirsts should come to Him and drink. They had drunk of Him and were full. Now, rivers of living waters will flow out of them. In John 14.14; 17, Jesus said the Holy Spirit was with them but later, He will be in them. The time had come. The moment had come. They were ready. They were prepared. And the Lord poured out upon them that which He had promised.

They spoke with other Tongues

This is a sign of the new covenant. It was the first time speaking in tongues occurred in the history of mankind. The Holy Spirit enabled them to talk to God without limitation. He enabled them to speak things that were beyond their human mind.

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Persis Mantey-Larbi

commented on May 26, 2023

This is my first time taking note of the fact that the believers were sitting. In addition seems they were not praying. That proves the word where two or more are gathered in His name He is there. Very powerful. It isn't only when we start praying that we can get in touch with the Holy spirit. Even in our thoughts. That teaches us to be very careful when we meet as Christians with what we say and even think. It can summon good or bad spirits.

Ivy Drafor Amenyah

commented on May 26, 2023

Yes Persis, they were sitting. And they were also praying and praising God (see Acts 1:14 and Luke 24:50-52). Great observations!

William Baeta

commented on May 26, 2023

Reading your sermon on Pentecost reminds me of what happened at the first occurrence fifty days after the Israelites had sacrificed lambs and sprinkled their doorposts with the blood and partaken of the Passover meal. God gave the Law on Mount Sinai and three thousand people died. On this occasion when the day of Pentecost had fully come God gave the Holy Spirit on Mount Zion and three thousand people were saved.

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