
Summary: These 120 believers were waiting to be endowed with power from on high. They were about to be touched by the Spirit of God in a way that would change them forever. They would be the first of a vast multitude that would follow in their steps.

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Sermon - The Day of Pentecost Changed Everything

Acts 2:1-41

Acts 2:1-6, 12-21, 36-41 “On the day of Pentecost[a] all the believers were meeting together in one place. 2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. 3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. 4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. 5 At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. 6 When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers.

12 They stood there amazed and perplexed. “What can this mean?” they asked each other. 13 But others in the crowd ridiculed them, saying, “They’re just drunk, that’s all!”14 Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, “Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem! Make no mistake about this. 15 These people are not drunk, as some of you are assuming. Nine o’clock in the morning is much too early for that. 16 No, what you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: 17 ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy.19 And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below— blood and fire and clouds of smoke.20 The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. 21 But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

36 “So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!”37 Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away[h]—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” 40 Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”41 Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.” NLT

Introduction: When the day of Pentecost was fully come...The day had finally arrived! Pentecost was God’s choice time to allow His followers to be introduced to His great power. The feast of Pentecost was one of three annual Jewish celebrations which the men of Israel came to Jerusalem to worship at the temple. It was a time when Jews would gather from around the world, all coming to the homeland to offer sacrifices to God. And no man could appear empty handed. The Jews of that day were proclaiming that they had become all that God desired, fulfilled his purpose and claimed his promises. What a fitting foreshadowing of the New Testament Day of Pentecost!

Days before, Jesus himself had been crucified, and raised again, after showing himself alive 40 days, he ascended into heaven promising that the Holy Spirit would soon come. These 120 believers were waiting to be endowed with power from on high. They were about to be touched by the Spirit of God in a way that would change them forever. They would be the first of a vast multitude that would follow in their steps. Yes, they would be the first of millions upon millions who would experience this unique relationship with God the father. Just as the Israelites of Old at Pentecost declared, they had entered in and claimed their Promise Land, the disciples were about to declare, "we have entered in"! These new believers were entering everything God promised. All believers are now free to experience the fullness of all the good things the Lord our God has chosen for people of Faith.

We celebrate the birth of Jesus, and all the world pauses to celebrate Christmas with us. We celebrate His resurrection, many in the world recognizes Easter as a very special day on the calendar. But when Pentecost comes, hardly anyone realizes it. Yet, Pentecost is important, because Pentecost testifies that Jesus went to Father and the Father sent the Holy Spirit; it also commemorates the official birthday of the Church, and opens the door so that every believer has the wonderful opportunity of being a part of it.

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