
Summary: Surely as Blood washed Spirit filled Fire Baptized Christians we should be considered a threat to hell. When the devil looks at you, he should see a Dangerous Christian. Not just a believer trying to hold out till Jesus comes, but a true warrior, tearing the devils kingdom down.

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Mark 16:16-18 KJV... He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. [17] And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; [18] They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Luke 10:19 KJV... Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Many years ago Mario Murrillo coined the phrase... I'm the Christian the devil warned You about.

I want to ask you a question...

Are you the Christian the devil warns his Kingdom, and his co-workers about? Or do we even show up on his radar?

Does our presence on this planet disturb the devil, or does he even recognize that we're here?

Does the devil see you get up in the morning and say... oh no, they're up again?

Does the devil plug his ears because you speak the word so much, and you praise God so much?

... Or does he think he's being Serenaded because you're always speaking negativity, worry, stress, anxiety, fear and doubt, and all the things he really loves to hear?

Sadly I believe that the majority of the Church world doesn't even disturb the devil, much less tear down his Kingdom.

I don't really take any pleasure in saying these things, but somebody has to wake up the slumbering church.

Somebody hypothetically speaking, has to blow the trumpet in the ear of the Sleepy church, and stir her up to the fight.

1 Corinthians 14:8 KJV says... For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

1 Corinthians 14:8 TLB says... And if the army bugler doesn't play the right notes, how will the soldiers know that they are being called to battle?

I'm sure the bugler who blows the bugle in somebody's ear is not greatly appreciated, but the whole war is dependant upon wide awake battle ready saints.

The sight of a slumbering church doesn't disturb the devil at all. But a wide awake, spiritual army, on her feet in full armor, and battle ready, rattles hell.

Friend, the truth is, just the sight of the believer, and the sound of their voice, should send shock waves through hell.

Every step you take walking with Jesus, should sound like thunder in the demons ears. They should dread being in your presence. They should live in fear that they will identified and evicted.

The devil feared the presence of Jesus, and Paul. The demons of hell knew who Jesus and paul were.

Why is it that the devil, and the demons of hell don't know who you are?

... The answer is... because you don't know who you are.

The devil and his demons, know who know's who they are. And the devil knows who know's the authority they have over him. And he knows who doesn't know.

Many Christians foolishly believe that just because at some point in time they asked Jesus to come into their heart, that from then on they are protected, and empowered, and seated in a place of power and authority over the devil.

...Friend, that would be nice, but it isn't even close to true.

What is true-is that Jesus in your heart is the source from which every thing originates and flows, and burst into manifestation.

But there are conditions and requirements for walking and living in the Power of God.

# 1 you have to know who you are in Christ.

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

# 2 You have to live in fellowship and union with Jesus.

Being a church goer doesn't make You a Christian, any more than parking a Pinto under a Cadillac sign makes it a Cadillac.

My goal and my aim, is to make you a Dangerous Christian, I want you to be radio active to the devil. I want you to be the devils Kryptonite, so that when he sees you and hears your voice, he goes weak in the knees.

I know in the last year or so, especially in the last few months, we have placed quite a bit of emphasis on our country, and elections, etc. because it was such a critical time and decision for our country, and really the world.

But I feel the Holy Spirit saying that it is time now to build up the saints.

we have got to get back to the buisness of not just survival, we have got to get the body of Christ in shape. We have got to devote our time to getting the church in the best shape she's ever been in.

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Hal Tevebaugh

commented on Jan 16, 2025

Another great sermon Pastor Terry

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