
Summary: This is the 128th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 8th sermon from Romans. This is the 3rd and 4th week of Advent.

Series: Action [#128]


Romans 5:1-11


Today is the 4th week of the Advent Season. The Advent Season is the 4 Sundays before Christmas. We look back to Christ’s 1st arrival and look forward to His 2nd and final arrival. Advent is a word that means arrival. When Jesus was born, He was proclaimed as the Savior. Since I was gone last week, I want us to reference week 3 and week 4 of Advent- Joy and love.

Luke 2:8-12

An angel brought the shepherds good news that would bring great joy for all people. That Good News is Jesus; and He has brought joy and love to the World. As a child of God, you can experience this joy and love every single day if choose to do so. As a Christian, I know that I should not be selfish; but be honest, don’t you want to know what’s in the Christian life for you? There is so much after salvation. I’m afraid that many people forget that there is more to the Christian life than just being saved. Salvation is just the beginning.

Romans 5:1

Because you are saved…

1. You have peace with God.

Before a person is saved there is a separation between them and God and there is no way that they can have a relationship with God. A person who is not saved is at war against God. When you are saved, you are no longer at war with God; but a Warrior for God.

Romans 5:2a

Because you are saved…

2. You have access to God.

Before you are saved, you can’t just go to God. You don’t have access to God because you are His enemy. The only prayer of an unsaved person that God hears is, “God forgive me because I’m a sinner. Come into my life and change me to be like You.

Once you are saved, you have access to God through Jesus Christ. It is through the grace of God that you can be saved. Through Jesus Christ, you can go to God at any time.

Romans 5:2b

Because you are saved…

3. You have hope.

Biblical hope is not wishful thinking. Biblical hope is confidence- Knowing that it will work out. Christians, your hope ought to give you joy. No matter what happens, a Christian knows the final outcome. I want you to really think about this, “Regardless of what people do to me or say about me, I know where I’ll be at the end and there is no one or thing that can take that away from me.

Romans 5:3-4

Because you are saved…

4. Your problems have a purpose.

This is one of those verses in Scripture that you think, “Really? I’m supposed to rejoice when I’m having problems?” God uses these things in our lives to make us more like Christ.

God shows us the process to having Christ-like characteristics. These are listed in order. You go from 1 to the next.

* Suffering.

We all go through things. We all suffer different types of problems. It’s never an “if” but a “when”. It is how we go through problems that makes a difference.

Suffering produces…

* Perseverance.

Once you learn how to deal with suffering, you then must learn how to endure. Many people can live like Christ for a little while; but after a while they give up. This is something missing from the Churches of today.

Perseverance produces…

* Character.

A person who can endure problems and yet still make godly decisions will have a character like Christ. Your character is outward evidence of your heart.

Character produces…

* Hope.

We have already discussed hope; but I like what that next verse says.

Romans 5:5

Because you are saved…

5. The Holy Spirit fills you with God’s love.

You can put your hope in something that will disappoint you. Many people put their hope in something or someone that disappoints and embarrasses them. You can put your hope in the wrong thing; but when you put your hope in God you will never be disappointed. This happens because God has poured out His love into your heart.

Romans 5:6-8

This is the picture of God’s love. He died for us. He has changed us. Notice who you were before Christ.

You were…

* Powerless.

* A sinner.

* God’s enemy.

Christ did for us what we couldn't do for ourselves.

Romans 5:9-11

Because you are saved…

6. You are eternally secure.

Once we are saved, it’s permanent. There is nothing that we can do to lose it. With that said, let me caution you- Only you and God know if you are saved. We will all stand before God and be judged. Your spiritual condition will determine which judgment you will go through. If you are saved, your life will go through the refiner’s fire and whatever in your life is of God will last. If you are not saved, you will go through the Great White Throne Judgment and your life will be laid out for all to see and then you will be cast into the Lake of Fire.


We have much to rejoice about. If someone ask you, “Is it worth it to give your life to Jesus Christ and follow Him each and every day”, I hope your answer is, “Yes”.

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