The Cry Of Christ
Contributed by Rick Adams on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How the cry of the Christ-child changed the world.
My manuscripts are basically my thoughts on paper. Typically, I use them as a guide, not verbatim. Very rarely do I preach my message exactly the way I wrote it. If you would like to hear the message preached, please visit Abundant Life Fellowship’s multimedia page at http://www.abundantlife-lompoc.org/multimedia.html
Today is our Christmas celebration. It is this time of year that we pause to reflect on God’s great love by sending His only Son to give His life so that we may live a life free from the bondage of sin.
Let us take a look at the account of Christ’s birth as recorded in the Book of Luke chapter 2. If you have received a complimentary Bible, this passage can be found on page 711.
Before the foundation of time, God had a plan. He had a plan to create man, whom He knew would fall into sin and need a divine Savior. In order to demonstrate the depth and breadth of His love, God created man and his helpmate, woman. God in His omniscience created woman to bear children with His miraculous plan in mind.
We know now through modern science that certain blood types don’t mix. For example, a woman who has type A blood cannot receive blood from someone who is type B and vice versa. However, a woman with type A blood can give birth to a baby who is type B. How can this be? God created a woman’s body so that the placenta never allows the mother’s blood to mix with the baby’s. God created woman with His plan in mind, because the sinful blood of Mary could never mix with the pure sinless blood of Jesus Christ in her womb.
In Mary’s womb was God incarnate. God’s divine plan, the next dimension of God if you will, was forming inside of Mary. I believe that today, the next dimension of God is forming inside the walls of this fellowship. But like Mary, we must be ready to accept the challenge, despite the costs. And we will experience a holy breakthrough in this fellowship.
Yet another wonderful aspect of this passage is the fact that the angel appeared to shepherds. Why shepherds and not kings and princes? After all, being a shepherd isn’t a noble profession. Why did God specifically chose shepherds to first reveal the wondrous news of Christ’s birth? Christ came for everyone. Not just kings and princes, but for everyone, including the lowly shepherds.
But what I believe to be some of the most powerful moments surrounding the birth of Christ is what transpired in the spirit. Although this isn’t recorded in scripture, my mind’s eye can imagine what took place in heavenly realms.
I can imagine that there was great anticipation in both heaven and hell. As the redeemer of mankind was forming in Mary’s womb, the devil was pacing the floors of hell. He knew that there was nothing that he could do to prevent Christ from entering into his domain because the hand of God was nurturing the unborn Jesus.
Then on a cold and lonely night in a stable in Bethlehem, something happened that would forevermore change the world. With one last push from a tired and worn young woman, who had found favor in God’s eyes, gave birth to the one who would bear the sins of the world. As the first breath of life entered the tiny lungs of the Redeemer, out came a cry that made all of heaven cheer and all of hell tremble in fear.
At the sound of the crying infant, nothing could hold back the angelic choir from proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men” because at long last, the divine plan was finally manifested.
In the starry heavens above the tiny stable shown a star bigger and brighter than any other. A proud Father displayed in the heavenlies His joy, that in just a short while He could once again enjoy intimate fellowship with His most prized creation.
All the while in the darkest recesses of hell, all was silent. Every demonic entity, including Lucifer himself stood in silent fear. The innocent cry of the Christ child on that first cold, lonely night in Bethlehem rang out through the bowels of hell, which in essence, proclaimed, “God’s manifest love has arrived. All futile hopes of a demonic victory over humanity is over! The Lamb of God that was slain before the foundation of the world has arrived. Your days are numbered.” The devil hung his head in defeat because he knew that this little one would grow up and walk in perfect submission to the Father. He knew that Emmanuel, God with us, would change lives, heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive and destroy the power of sin in people’s lives. He knew that this child would grow up and be the perfect, spotless Lamb that would hang on a cross. The devil realized that in the very near future he would be paid a visit from this Child in hell itself to remove the keys of death, hell and the grave (Rev 1:18) from his grasps. He knew that one day that Jesus was going to return to this earth. But this time, He wouldn’t be a small child born in the most modest of conditions and humbling Himself as a submissive servant. But this time, He would return with crowns of righteousness upon His head riding a white stallion, and a sash that would drape across His chest and leg that would read “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”.