
Summary: How he hated The Way!

The Cruelty of Saul 1 Thessalonians 1:1a

Introduction: Attacked by persecution, corruption, dissension

01. His Association (7:58c; 22:20c) deep involvement; assisted

A. Lot – Genesis 13:10-14a; 14:12; 19:1

B. Luke (22:54-62) Peter’s denial; 1 Corinthians 5:9; 15:33

. 2 Corinthians 6:14; Ephesians 5:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14

02. His Approval (8:1a) consenting, complied (22:20b)

. He agreed with what they did to Stephen! Luke 11:48

03. His Attack (8:3a) havoc; annihilation

. To destroy, to ruin, to damage; destruction of a city

. Mangling by a wild beast; tore the church apart

. 1 Corinthians 15:9; Galatians 1:13; Philippians 3:6

04. His Arrests (8:3b) imprisonment (22:4, 19a; 26:10a)

05. His Admonitions (9:1a) threats, warning, intimidate

06. His Assassinations (9:1b) murders

07. His Authority (9:1c-2; 22:5; 26:10b)

08. His Affliction (22:19b; 26:11a) beat them & punished

09. His Antagonism (26:9) contrary; against, oppose, conflict

08. His Acceptance (26:10c) cast lots

09. His Anger (26:11b-c) compelled & enraged them

10. His Affront – 1 Timothy 1:13a; blasphemer, slanderer

Speaks evil of insults, injury, disrespect

11. His Aggravation – 1 Timothy 1:13b; persecutor

12. His Aggression – 1 Timothy 1:13c; insolent, violent

13. His Assertion – 1 Timothy 1:13d; claim; ignorant, unbelief

. Ignorance wasn’t a claim to innocence, nor an excuse

. He didn’t understand the truth of Christ’s gospel

. He was protecting his religion

14. His Allegation – 1 Timothy 1:15b; chief sinner

15. His Assessment – 2 Corinthians 12:11; Ephesians 3:8

16. His Awareness – Romans 7:9-12

A. The confession (7:9a)

. The law reveals and rouses (awakens, stirs) sin.

. The law ruins and rescinds (destroys) the sinner.

B. The comprehension (7:9b) understanding came

C. The conditions (7:9c) he realized that…

. He was desperately sinful = sin revived; wicked

. He was dead spiritually = I died; Romans 5:6

. Luke 18:13; 1 Corinthians 15:31 – I die daily

D. The consequences (7:10) law can’t save or give life

. Galatians 3:10-14, 19-25

E. The condemnation (7:11)

. Deception –

. Death –

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