
Summary: Being lead by the Holy Spirit always comes with a price.


“The Cost of Being Pentecostal”

Acts 4:1-22

Being led by the Holy Spirit always comes with a price. The cost of being Pentecostal is what this lesson is about. The lame man being healed now causes an even greater stir among the religious leaders.

Vs. 1 -2 Three groups rise up to question Peter and John;

1.) Priests - These were the chief priests and had a great

deal of influence in the community.

2.) The Temple guard- He was there in the Temple to keep

order in and around the Temple.

3.) Sadducees - a religious sect who did not believe in the resurrection.

Their position and influence was being jeopardized by the preaching of


* All three of these were instrumental in Jesus’ arrest and

crucifixion. Luke 22:66

Vs. 3 - Under Roman rule these leaders had the authority to seize Peter

and John.

Vs. 4 - The men are the only ones mentioned as being saved but there probably

were many more.

Vs. 5 & 6 - We are introduced to the Council consisting of 70 members. All are

powerful and rich.

Vs. 7 - The Council wanted to know two things:

1.) By what power they healed the man?

2.) By what authority they preach?

* Peter turns the tables on the Council by putting them on trial.

Peter’s answer:

1.) Vs. 8 - Peter filled with the Holy Spirit spoke boldly.

2,) Vs. 9 - We all are asked to give an account for our actions.

3.) Vs. 10 - Peter convicts the Council.

4.) Vs. 11 - The stone which the builders rejected is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Vs. 12 - Salvation is by Jesus Christ alone. John 14:16 God appointed Jesus as the sole source of salvation. In Roman culture, Peter and John by this statement became an enemy of Rome. The Romans were Polytheistic and had many gods. Peter says, “There is only one way and one God.”

Vs. 13 - Here is the greatest evidence of conversion and being Spirit filled ; people noticed that they had been with Jesus. John 7:46 “Never a man spoke like this man”.

Vs. 14 - The Council could not deny what happened but they continued to reject Jesus.

*We are not to be surprised when people reject our witness for Christ. The worst part is they also close their minds and hearts.

Vs. 15 - The Sanhedrin went into what is called “a closed session”. The accused, Peter and John, are not present.

Vs. 16-17 - The decision was made on impulse rather than facts.

There would be no way that they could monitor Peter and John.

Vs. 18-19 - The emphasis here that they did not like, was they were doing it in the name of Jesus. They attempted to do away with the truth. * It never works. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life and

no man cometh to the Father but by Me“. John 14:6

Vs. 20 - All court cases are won by two or three credible witnesses. Here are the two witnesses, they are not flesh and blood but just as convincing. The two witnesses are they are seen and heard. Matthew 10:32

Vs. 21 - There is an old saying (not scriptural) “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” We have to at times be thick skinned when speaking for the Lord.

Vs. 22 - The age of this former crippled man makes this miracle even more astounding. He was 40 years old.

Matthew 5:11, Luke 21:12

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