The Coronation Of The Christ Series
Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is a coronation that we will never forget… the mock crowning of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
INTRO: 1. Few events in the course of history has been given more significance than has the crowning of a new king or monarch…the coronation of a nation’s sovereign ruler.
a. No expense is spared in this great event.
b. A priceless crown is commissioned to be designed and unveiled at the coronation.
c. Guest lists include the wealthiest, most famous, most powerful people of their day.
d. To not be at such an event would be social and political suicide.
e. Masses of people throng the sight of the coronation, no one wanted to miss what would be one of the most historical events of their lives.
f. Priests and religious leaders where called on to pray over this ceremony, even placing the crown on the King, to bring to this event some sense of solemnness and even holiness.
f. Yet, with all of it’s wealth, pomp, regalia, and religious trappings, we today would be hard pressed to remember the Coronation of a single earthly ruler.
2. Yet, there is a coronation that we will never forget… the mock crowning of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
a. It’s a coronation like none other in history.
b. It’s a coronation in which the crown is twisted vines of thorns.
c. It’s a coronation, not viewed by honored guests, but by the most cruel and ruthless spectators.
d. It’s a coronation, not meant for honor but for shame and degradation.
3. Yet, in the words of Joseph, what they meant for harm, God meant for good.
a. Little did they know the eternal significance of what they where doing.
b. More than history was being made, eternity was being made.
c. They had hoped to mark him for shame, but they marked him for glory.
d. But, there has never been a more holy or sacred act performed at the hands of sinners than when they crudely crowned my Savior.
e. He was never more a king than he was just then.
4. We must realize that the atrocities that took place right before Jesus went to the cross revolved around a claim that Jesus would not deny…he was the King of the Jews.
a. When asked by Pilate in John 18:37 if he was in fact a king, he responds with “Thou sayest that I am a king.”
b. In other words, what you say is true.
c. Had he simply said, he was a prophet, a teacher, even the Messiah‚— Pilate would have set him free…but he stood before that court as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
d. He made it clear to Pilate that what would take place that day would be out of Pilate’s hand, but never out of his hand…still Lord of all.
Vs. 11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.
5. This morning I desire to take you back to the crowning, the coronation of the Christ.
a. The day when he ripped the throne from the prince of this world
b. The day he was declared even by his own judge… “Behold your king.”
6. Although the tools of his coronation were not made of gold and jewels they held more significance than all this earth’s wealth could buy.
a. Let’s take a look at the tools used at the Coronation of the Christ.
b. These tools still cry out that Blood-Stained gospel to this day.
a. Before we can understand the significance of what was taking place that day, we must understand a simple truth Paul reminded us of…Jesus was come as the "second Adam."
b. In other words he was come to reverse the mess that the first Adam got us in.
c. He came as man, because it was man that got us in this mess to start with and man who would have to pay the price.
d. He came as God, because God could be the only sinless sacrifice, only that God-Man could stand as a mediator between heaven and earth.
e. He held the perfect blood-line, the perfect pedigree to be made OUR king.
f. He came to serve as our substitute… to represent us and take our place.
g. A king had to first be a qualified representative of his people.
h. Something happened in Pilate’s hall that is very significant to us all…the encounter with Barabbas.
1. Barabbas was called by John a robber but in Mark’s account we get more information about him.
2. He was called an insurrectionist and a murderer.
3. It is clear that the reason Pilate chose to offer him was that he was an dangerous figure, a reflection of the worst that is in man, threat to society.