
Summary: In every thing give thanks is a command not a suggestion.

Everyone knows the eleventh commandment, It was written by the Supreme Court : Thou shall not read the first 10 in the public school.

Do you know the 14th .commandment ?

Thou Shall Be Thankful In Every Thing

1 Thessalonians 5 :16-19

J. Vernon McGee notes 22 commandments in Chapter 5

beginning in verse 11 and ending in Verse 27 .

The 14th found in V.18 is ;( In every thing give thanks )

In every thing give thanks is a command ; not a suggestion , it’s not a request , not a ( when you feel like it ) , or ( if you have time ) itis a command just like ( honor your mother & father ) its to be done at all times in all things.

In every thing not just the good stuff . It is easy to be thankful and to give thanks for the good things like ; Family , Friends , Health, Money , Freedom, Ect. But; How & Why give thanks for troubles?

First Why , Why be thankful for troubles and trials ?

Troubles and trials are designed to strengthen and build up.

The razor is not sharpened on velvet !

The ax that never meets the grinding wheel will become useless.

The blade of a bush-hog that is heated cherry red , placed on the anvil , beaten with a hammer , is not being punished ., but is being made better, more usefull.

Quoat heard on radio; ( No Christian will ever accomplish great things for God until he has suffered greatly for God.)

In Every thing give thanks even when we are punished for sins committed. This is also for our good, and proves who our father is.

Second How ,

Paul is not saying that whan we pray in public that we should say ; ( Thank you Father for the whippen you gave me this week ) or ( Thank you for the broken leg ) or ( Thank you for the sinus infection )

No but we should say ( Father thank you for always being there, for allways careing for me, for lifting me up and carring me when I couldn’t go on my own.)

Thank you God that all things work together for good to them that love You. Rom. 8:28

V. 18 says ( This is the will of God.) What is the will of God ?

V. 16 Rejoice evermore.

V. 17 Pray without ceasing.

V. 18 In every thing give thanks.

When we do the will of God we will not :

V. 19 Quench the Spirit of God.

Lets make every day a day of thanks giving not just one day, Thanksgiving Day.

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