
Summary: The coming of Christ brings hope for me and for everyone I encounter.

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The Coming of Christ Brings Me Hope

John 1:1-18

OPENING SONG: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

SLIDE #1 – Title Slide

We are coming into the time of the year, which is called “Advent” in the Christian calendar. For most Americans, that does not register with us. We are still feeling the effects of Halloween and Thanksgiving. But for the Christian, it is good when we can take some time to reflect on the “Coming of Christ.” So, we will take the next four Sundays before Christmas, and reflect on Jesus Christ and His coming.

This Sunday, I will begin a study in the Gospel of John. I will take time until the end of the year and share from John 1.

SLIDE #2 – The Gospel of John – Story of Jesus Christ

The Gospel of John shares the story of Jesus. This is how it progresses. People witness about Jesus. Then Jesus shares with us His words, or wisdom. Then the story finishes with His work.

SLIDE #3 – Advent Wreath “Hope”

As a result, the coming of Christ is very important. We will look at how the coming of Christ brings us hope, joy, peace, and love. The Christmas season is a time to remind ourselves that, we look forward for Jesus to return, we are thankful that He came. The Gospel of John presents Jesus as the God-Man who came down to earth. While Matthew and Luke present other stories of Christmas, John shares with us the “Divine” Story of Christmas. John 1 is a “prologue” or what I would like to call a “heavenly introduction” to Jesus Christ. Let us take time to reflect on that story.


SLIDE #4 – How Hopeless Do You Feel?

However, for many people this Christmas season, they may feel hopeless. So, as we look at what God shares with us in His word about the Hope of Christmas, my intention for you to see that life is not hopeless.


1. The coming of Christ brings me hope because He is the voice of hope to me. (1:1-2)


This is not an easy set of verses to understand. Why is Jesus described as “the Word” and how can the Word be God, and with God at the same time? I have two thoughts about this: First, these verses describe Jesus before He came to earth. Second, God is someone who cannot be seen. But apparently, there is someone who can represent God for God. The Word, is another way to describe “Voice.” God spoke the physical earth into being. He also wanted to be part of that world, to save the world from the sin that they have created. A voice has to have a body to speak. Jesus is “God in a Bod”. He is the Voice of God throughout the Gospels. God is physically showing that He can provide hope to me. He speaks hope to me.


2. The coming of Christ brings me hope because He lets me choose this hope. (1:6-13)


I am not hopeless because I can choose hope. God is not someone who excludes everybody. God wants everyone to come to Him. He even sends people in my path for me to know that He cares about me. John the Baptist was one of those kinds of people. If you want to have hope, you need to have Jesus. I want you know that Jesus is your hope this morning.


3. The coming of Christ brings me hope because He can relate to me. (1:14)


Jesus became one of us. He was born into a human family. He lived in a place, not much richer than here. He went to school. He learned a trade. He never married, but he had relationships. He had friends and followers. He hungered. He got thirsty. He cried. He laughed. He was even tempted. Jesus is my hope because He can relate to how I am feeling.


4. The coming of Christ brings me hope because He wants to share this hope with me. (1:16-17)


Jesus wants to share this hope with me and you. He shared it with a man named John. John shared it with other people who needed it. Jesus is not hope-taker. He is a hope-giver. For the Christian, He keeps our hope secure. He will return again, and that is called a “blessed hope” or a “happy hope.” For the one who needs Jesus Christ. He wants to be your hope.


5. The coming of Christ reminds me of the challenge to share this hope with someone else who needs it. (1:6-8, 15-16).

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