
Summary: The Moment you mess up is one step away from being restored.

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Calvary and the Cross were close at hand. Jesus shared the Passover meal with His closest friends and revealed that one among them would be His betrayer. v.22 His disciples, understandably, began to ask who among them would do such a thing to Jesus, v.23 but their conversation quickly turned to who among them was the greatest! v.24

Jesus had to remind them that His Kingdom is not about greatness but service. V.25-30

Then Jesus tells them the shocking news that no matter how great they think they are, because of Calvary & the Cross, they will all fall away. Jesus knew the sheep would be scattered when the shepherd was struck. (Matt 26:31-35, Zech 13:7)

Peter, perhaps stirred because of the earlier dispute about who is the greatest disciple, makes his Big, Bold, Passionate statement,“If all fall away, I will never.” “I will even die with you,” “I will go to Prison for you.” Before we are too hard on Peter, all the other disciples said the same. (Mark 14:31)

Jesus replies, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." vv 31,32

Jesus, in saying, “Simon, Simon” was not being patronising. It was concern and compassion because Jesus knew what was coming.

We can make Big, Bold, Passionate statements that “we’ll never get sick,” “never give into temptation” or “never fall away” and then one day we may find ourselves facing what we have proclaimed, predicted and pronounced will never happen to us.

The Authorised Version says Jesus said to Peter, “Watch out.” Most translations say “Behold.” The Message says, “Simon, stay on your toes.” The NIV seems to miss Jesus’ warning is to alert the disciples to Satan’s desire to attack Peter.

Are you watchful of what comes across the path of your life? Are you testing and asking will this bring glory to God or make me great among men? Will this take me closer to God or far from His church, from His word, from His presence? (Luke 21:8, 36, Acts 20:28, Gal 6:1, 1Tim 4:16)

People of ECC, “watch out!” Satan is cunning and crafty and he is out to get you today, to rob you of your future and those you will influence for Jesus. (2Cor 11:3)

Five Tactics of Satan

Doubt: Makes you question God's word and His goodness.

Discouragement: Makes you look at your problems rather than God.

Diversion: Makes the wrong things seem attractive so you want them more than the right things.

Defeat: Makes you feel like a failure so you don't even try.

Delay: Makes you put off something, so it never gets started or completed. ---- Courtesy of Life Application Bible (SEE BELOW FOR FULL STUDY)

Jesus said, “Satan has asked.” Satan can’t do whatever he wants to you; otherwise we would be finished before we get started. Satan has to seek permission from the Lord, as revealed in the story of Job, before he can test you. (Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6 Zech 3:1-5)

Sometimes God says “no” to Satan’s requests to test you, and sometimes God says “yes.” God said “yes” to Satan’s request to sift Peter as wheat.

Satan wanted to prove that when Peter’s world was rocked, it was simply full of chaff, rubbish, full of big, bold, passionate statements and he would simply be blown away.

When your world is rocked by disappointment or crisis, the chaff will be blown away and what is from the Lord in you life will help you stand firm.

God saying “yes” to Peter’s sifting, was not to bring Peter down a ‘peg or two.’ It was so Peter, like Job, would come back stronger.

You must believe that if God is allowing you to be tested you’ll come back stronger.

If Satan is sifting you with Troubles, Trials, Temptations and Tests, take this comfort: Jesus has already prayed for you. Jesus is watching over your life and His prayers for you precede your trials. Because Jesus knows what is going to happen, He is praying for you to come through and to come back stronger.

Jesus’ prayer is not that you will avoid the trials; you will go through the fire. (SEE SECRIPTURES BELOW ABOUT CHRISTIANS FACING TRIALS)

Jesus’ prayer for you is not that you will never fail; you will fail and the rooster will crow in your life. You have had, and will have, the Cock-a-doodle-do moments. They are those cutting feelings that remind you that you messed up, that your character and reaction has not been Christ like, that you have curried men’s favour rather than God’s, that you have been draw away from the Lord, from His word, His people and His presence.

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