The Church's Diet: Healthy Choice Series
Contributed by David Kirkner on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: If we want a healthy church then we need to choose to be healthy Christians
The Threeattitudes: Philemon, 2 John, Jude
A Church’s Diet: Healthy Choice
If we want a healthy church then we need to choose
to be healthy Christians
In the last several years Americans have become gluttons over the various diets guaranteed to take off extra pounds. We have the opportunity to participate in the Atkins diet, South Beach, Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Hollywood Diet, SeeFood diet. The truth of any weight loss objective is that the very first AND most important commitment that we need to make is that we choose to be healthy. We will not be any healthier unless we choose to be healthier. Church health is motivated the same way. Because of our natural inclination to love ourselves more than we love God or other people we need to choose to be a healthy Christian, because healthy churches don’t happen unless it is made up of healthy Christians. Over the next three weeks I want to share a series with you entitled The Threeattitudes: Philemon, 2 John & Jude. Todays’ message on Philemon gives us a snapshot of the healthy Christian- Will you please read responsively with me once I get to Vs. 4 and we’ll end with Vs. 21
Healthy Churches are filled With Healthy Christians
and Healthy Christians ….
• Pray regularly (v4)
• Show love for ALL of God’s people (v4)
• Have faith in Jesus (v5)
• Share their faith (v6)
• Refresh the hearts of others through joy and encouragement (v7)
Healthy Christians Have REAL Love Relationships and Love Relationships …
• Aren’t bossy (v9)
• Introduce people to Christ (v10)
• Are change agents (v11)
• Don’t presume upon others (v14)
• Provide freedom for response (v14)
• Look at people in the best possible light (v16)
• Are forgiving (vss 17-18)
• Make reconciliation a priority (v19)
• Refresh hearts (v20)
In Hot Springs, AS you might visit the Morris Antique Mall. There is nothing inside this antique store that would distinguish it from any other antique shop. There is the same musty smell, old merchandise with dust settled upon it. But if you look closely at the outside of the Morris Antique Mall you’ll notice that there is something that does make the store distinct: before it was an antique store it was a church building. A focus and commitment on spiritual health prevents a church from becoming a resting place for dusty non-functioning relics … We want the opposite: Carol was a clerk at a Christian bookstore. Carol loved to talk to her clientele about church and world events. Carol was known for referring to the church as “the body”. One time a number of church attendees ame to Carol’s store to by some presents for the pastor whose birthday they were soon going to celebrate. Later that week John, the pastor, came into Carol’s store to thank her for involvement and help for his occasion. Pastor John told Carol about his surprise and touched he was by the party. Carol looked at Pastor Jogn and shouted out: “Oh, John, I just love your body!” Everyone in the store just burst into laughter. This is what we want Christ, the Head of our church, to say about us: New Life Community Church I love your body because you’ve chosen to be healthy Christians.