The Church- On The Move Series
Contributed by Kim Huffman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In this message we will look at three action words used by Paul in Ephesians that show us how the church should be on the move.
Kim Huffman 1/18/4
Goshen Christian Church
God’s Pattern for the Church #3
The book of Ephesians is a book about, for and to the church- the body of Christ. In this important book Paul uses three active verbs to communicate what the church is to do. These three words show us that the church is on the move.
Do you know what you get if you feed gun powder to a chicken? (An egg-splosion!)
If each of us would incorporate these three words into our lifestyle as we live for Christ, I think the church would see an explosion in growth and maturity of her members.
ILL> “This is My Church”
Look with me as we consider these three words that show how the church is to be on the move.
I. THE BODY OF CHRIST IS TO SIT (Eph. 1:20-23 & 2:6)
1. Sit is a Technical term meaning “to be enthroned”
2. God has “enthroned” Jesus Christ at His right hand
3. Jesus is head over all things to the church (1:22)
4. God has raised us up with Jesus Christ (2:6)
5. He has seated us with Jesus in the heavenly places (2:6)
6. We are at God’s right hand too! Enthroned next to Jesus.
7. This is both a place of privilege and responsibility
8. Salvation means we get to sit as sons and daughters next to God.
9. Where else would you expect the Bride of Christ to be?
II. THE BODY OF CHRIST IS TO WALK (2:2, 10; 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8, 15)
1. Walk is a normal everyday word.
2. It means live or way of life
3. Paul uses it to refer to the Christian lifestyle that is characterized by service
4. We are to walk in a worthy manner (Eph. 4:1, Col. 1:10)
5. We are not to walk (live) according to the old sinful lifestyle (2:2, 4:17, 5:8,15)
6. Our walk is our witness
7. When our walk is not in love we bring disgrace to the church
1. Stand is a military term.
2. Paul says we must stand against the schemes of the devil (6:11)
3. We must have a determined attitude. With Christ I can.
4. Even though Christ has defeated the devil the war rages on.
5. We must hold our conquered territory. Don’t give any back to the devil (6:13)
6. We must stand as soldiers, mighty warriors for the Lord @ our armor on (6:14)
7. The penalty for not standing your guard was death.
If your maturity level is not moving forward, maybe it is because you see the importance of SIT, WALK and STAND as action words. When we become inactive Christians we give Satan the opportunity he is looking for to steal us away. Eph. 4:27 says that we should not give the devil an opportunity.
“Opportunity: means a place or space or foothold. If a mountain climber loses his grip (opportunity) he falls. Beck translates opportunity this way: “Don’t give the devil a chance to work.” The NEB Bibles puts it- “Leave no loop hole for the devil.”
What says a house that is on fire? Is it the 911 call? The truck that brings the firemen? The hose that carries water from the hydrant to the fire? The training that the firemen have taken? In truth it is all those things. Will you do what the Bible says you should do to be saved?
“The Fellowship of the Unashamed”