
Summary: God does not live in a box, and his name is not Jack! The local Church should be likened unto a footstool. An easy five point outline to preach.

Sub Title: "God’s name is not Jack!"

Introduction: Although King David had accomplished many things in his life, his greatest desire was to build a Temple in God’s honor. All of the other kings and kingdoms had built great Temples to their gods, it was time, David thought, to build a Temple to his God.

God had never asked Israel for a King, and God had never asked David to build him a Temple.

In this text, David admits that a Temple could never contain God. He refers to the Temple as a "footstool."

God is not a "Jack in the Box" God.

David’s wise son, Solomon said,

(1 Ki 8:27 KJV) But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?

I meditated on the thought of how our Churches ought to be likened unto "God’s Footstool."

Let me share with you these five points:

The Church is to be likened unto a footstool:

1. The Footstool speaks of a beginning point.

A Church ought to be the place where people can find new beginnings with their lives. If they are not saved, they can become new creations in Christ Jesus. If they have not been living for the Lord, each Church service should offer to them an opportunity to have a new beginning through the forgiveness and power that they can find in Christ.

2. The Footstool speaks of a place of rest.

One day God the Father is going to put all of the enemies of God the Son at his feet. They will become his footstool.

When a person comes to Church, they may feel as if they have the weight of the world upon their backs. We need to assure them that Christ has gained for them the victory! They are more than conquers through Christ!

The Church ought to be a place of rest for the people of God.

3. The Footstool speaks of a place of conversation.

When a person comes to Church, their ought to be sense that they are meeting with God. They need to be able to "take their shoes off, and sit a spell..."

God wants to hear of their burdens and their concerns. God also wants to remind them of his many precious promises. The Holy Spirit needs to be working on the hearts of all of those who attend. The Church house ought to be a house of prayer. Prayer is having a conversation with God!

4. The Footstool speaks of making the Church a launching pad for new adventures.

Have you ever had to pull up a stool so that you could reach up for something higher?

Again, God’s people need to be lifted up from the many burdens of the day. The only way that I know of how to lift people up is by lifting Jesus up!

Our Churches ought to filled with the spirit of worship and praise.

Remember our theme, "God is not a Jack in the Box?" The Church should be a launching pad to encourage his people to take Christ with them to the world’s in which they live. We are to "go into all of the world..." The power of Christ needs to be released upon every mission field in which we live!

5. The Footstool reminds us of our heavenly home.

Whenever the people of Israel were away from their Temple, they were told to pray in the direction of Jerusalem. Daniel did so. The footstool reminds us of being home.

We are to call God "Abba, Father." Let us climb upon the footstool and into the very lap of God. He is our father. We are home. Every time to attend Church, we ought to feel as if we are with family!


As I am writing this message, I am over a thousand miles away from home. I am away from my Church family. I am looking forward to my return.

God is with me wherever I go. I know that. The Heaven’s cannot contain him. But it is nice having a footstool up. I am always thankful for the footstool of my local Church family. Thank God for home.

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