The Christmas Story
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 10, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: 4th Week of Advent and we are looking at the main characters of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, and Zachariah
The Christmas story
Matthew 1:18-25
We are in the 4th week of advent- Each week we lit a candle of the advent wrath and here we are in the final week.
Tuesday night at our Christmas Eve service, (7pm) we will light the Christ candle- Christ fulfilling the promise of God.
The Christ candle is lit to symbolize the light of Christ coming into the world and displacing darkness.
It is the risen Christ bringing life to a dying world.
How many are aware of Christ at Christmas?
How many take the time to share the story of Christ before we rip open presents and forget it was his birthday that we are to be celebrating?
Matthew 1:18-25
The Christmas story recorded with all the characters- Mary. Joseph, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and of course Jesus-
Young Jewish girl pledged to be married to Joseph.
Living out her life as she was planning a wedding.
An angel of the Lord appears to her and says that “she is highly favored by God and the Lord will be with you.”
She is troubled by that- who would not be?
She is told that she will conceive a baby and you will name that baby Jesus.
She is told that it will be given her by the Holy Spirit of God. “Do not be Afraid”
She is told that her cousin Elizabeth will have a child in her old age- “Nothing is impossible with God”
“I am the Lord’s servant, Mary answered, May it be to me as you have said.”
Mary had to have some faith! Mary would have a little lamb and His name is Jesus!
Young Jewish boy pledged to be married to the love of his life.
Planning a wedding and finding out that she is pregnant with a child that is not his. (Nobody had to tell him why it was not his child.)
He has plans to divorce her privately and move on.
Angel of the Lord appears to him and says “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife because the child she would conceive is from the Holy Spirit of God.
It is to fulfill the prophecies of God.
I don’t know about you but that is a God thing right there! It is a God thing to happen and it is a God thing for the both of them to believe God that He would do these things.
Cousin to Mary, who is old and has no child would have a child named John (later John the Baptist)
He will be great and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit of God
Angel of the Lord appeared to Zachariah and told him what’s happening.
He asks “How can I be sure of this? My wife and I are old!(It is not like we have not been trying)
Luke 1:19- “The angel answered, I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you the Good news.”
Because … you did not believe me, you will not be able to speak until the birth of this child has taken place.
Because you doubted Zechariah, you will not spread your doubt until after I fulfill the birth.
Last week I said the greatest proclamation ever made- “Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
Mark Lowry/Song Mary did you know-
Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.
Joseph did you know that the greatest gift ever wrapped up would be Jesus in a manger.
Wrapped up in swaddling cloth and given to mankind as the savior of the world and you would have the responsibility to raise him.
During the darkest times in the history of Israel, a prophet named Isaiah proclaimed the hope of the coming savior about 700 years before his birth. Against a backdrop of hopelessness, Isaiah told the people about a messiah that would come to save his people. It would become the greatest story ever told. The messiah would come as a baby born to a virgin and his name would be called Jesus!
God with us-
God help us
God we need you
That God would come… even after we messed things up!
Only God! God never gave up on us!
God’s love showed up and desires to touch each and every one of our lives with salvation and a personal relationship with Him!
Last week, God got a hold of a young man’s heart in service and wouldn’t let go. This young man cried from the singing of the worship songs till I closed the service- He was being deployed and God got a hold of his heart!