
Summary: A sermon to encourage believers to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit.

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FBCF – 4/29/20 Midweek Service

Jon Daniels

INTRO – There was a power plant in Cleveland my whole life – the Delta Steam Electric Plant operated by MP&L. It was a landmark on Hwy 61 North for my entire life. Some of my friends’ dads worked there. Served Cleveland & the Delta for 50+ year.

But back in Jan of 2018, it was imploded. Explosives strategically placed around the entire complex. 9 explosions echoed through the air on that cold morning, & within seconds, the power plant was reduced to a huge pile or rubble.

- Outlived its usefulness.

- Obsolete.

- Better technology.

- More efficient ways to produce power.

We need power to live every day. We all hate it when the power goes out. Grab our generators for temporary fix until power comes back on.

- Katrina – cheered when the power crews showed up at the church

But, truth is any other power other than the power of the HS is temporary power.

- HS power will never outlive its usefulness

- HS power will never become obsolete

- HS power will never be replaced w/ better technology

- HS power will never be usurped w/ more efficient ways to produce spiritual power

It’s the power we want. It’s the power we need. It’s the power we have. The HS is the Christian’s power plant.

EXPLANATION – In Acts 2, we see the fulfillment of one of Jesus’ most important promises.

- John 14:16-17, 25-26; 15:26; 16:7-15; Acts 1:5

The apostles had obediently gathered together in Jerusalem as Jesus had commanded them to do – 1:4. They didn’t know exactly what was going to happen & when it was going to happen. All they knew at that point was that Jesus had taught them about the HS & had given them a direct order to stay put in Jerusalem until the Spirit came. And then it happened! What a moment! What a fulfillment of the promise! What a life-changing experience!

We see these 3 things:

The Spirit’s activity – v. 2-4 – When He came (NOT with “IT” came!), His activity was very obvious by these signs:

- Sound of “a mighty rushing wind” – The word “Spirit” is the same as “wind” in both Gk & Hebrew. They heard the Spirit’s activity.

- “tongues of fire” – symbolized the powerful witness of the Church to the lost world. They saw the Spirit’s activity.

- “They were all filled w/ the Spirit & began to “speak in other tongues” – They began praising God in other known languages (“in his own language” – about 15 different languages), not unknown tongues. They experienced the Spirit’s activity.

The Crowd’s actions – v. 5-12 – This was a God-thing that was happening, & the sound of it – the sound of the wind of the Spirit & the sound of the believers praising God in different languages – drew a “multitude” (v. 6) of people together.

- “bewildered” – confused, confounded, shaken

- “amazed” – stupefied, astounded, to tremble, to put out its [normal] place

- “astonished” – to marvel, wonder, admire, have respect for

- “perplexed” – to be at a loss, to question

The Skeptics attitude – v. 13 – There will always be those who will be skeptical & want to throw cold water on the heat of the HS’s fire. We see them here as they were “mocking” – jeering & scoffing at the believers.

- Maybe these mockers & scoffers had heard Jesus speak about the coming of the Spirit but had rejected Him. And now they’re regretting their decision & trying to turn the attention away from the obvious work of God going on.



The Bible is abundantly clear that we are supposed to witness & share the Gospel.

- Ought to equip ourselves

- Be intentional

- Look for opportunities

But we will always be successful if we will rely on the power of the HS when we witness.

- Success doesn’t mean that we will win every person to Christ that we witness tol

- Success means that we rely on the HS power, obey Jesus’ command, & leave results up to God.


“The Holy Spirit illuminates the minds of people, makes us yearn for God, and takes spiritual truth and makes it understandable to us.” – Billy Graham

Slick publication from came in mail last week. Thought from Mormons at first. But quickly realized that it came from another denomination that holds some to some unbiblical ideas.

- Believe that they are the “one true church.”

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