The Careful Life Of Transference
Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Following the example of the elders is a blessed life.
Thank you Rev. Marty Varnel.
“The Careful Life Of Transference”
Psalms 100:5
God established covenant with Noah in Gen 6…
He said: “I will establish my covenant with thee…”
A covenant with one man that affected his entire family and ultimately the whole world of humankind!
He further established covenant with Noah in Gen. 9:8…He established His covenant with Noah and His sons…his seed after him…
But God was not yet satisfied…Gen 9:12…this is the token of the covenant…It’s between Me and you and every living creature that is with you…for perpetual generations.
The Second Covenant God established with man was with Abraham. Gen 17:7. He followed the same pattern…Covenant with thee, and then with thy seed after thee…and then in their generations…an everlasting covenant.
Then we see it unfold…from Abraham this covenant passed to Isaac…then from Isaac.
But then when Isaac went to pass this covenant on to his firstborn son Esau something went wrong…there was a failure to transfer the covenant…and with much family destruction and devastation it was finally passed to the second son Jacob.
Then we when track this everlasting covenant in his kids we find ourselves at the end of Genesis with Jacob on his deathbed…there he calls his sons together and by the curses he places on his own sons it becomes painfully obvious that some of his sons do not have the covenant in them or on them…
Jacob used words like: “Unstable as water”…”Thou shall not excel”…and referred to his own sons as instruments of cruelty in their own homes. And he cursed their anger and wrath and he said he would divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel…
These statements he made concerning the next generation were made in Egypt. The only reason Jacob was in Israel was because his sons hated their brother Joseph and had sold him into Egypt.
Looking at the big picture of this story we understand that God did turn the evil intent of those boys into something good…but I want to make the point clear that Jacob did not want to go to Egypt.
Even though there was great famine in Canaan land Jacob required God to give him clear instructions that it would be ok to go down into Egypt for a season! God had to give him a vision to make it known to him.
When Jacob first arrived in Egypt he made it known that this wasn’t where this family was going to dwell forever…he said that they would once again inhabit the land of their fathers and dwell in the covenant of their fathers!!!
And then Jacobs last request is that they not bury his body in Egypt…but that they take his bones back to his covenant inheritance and bury him with his fathers!
I think that one of the reasons that Jacob wanted to go to Egypt was to once again speak to all his sons together…I don’t think it was about escaping the famine…We know that he didn’t want to go in the first place…and certainly he didn’t want to die there…
I believe it was about one last chance to put something in his sons…one last chance to be an example and a voice of covenant to his sons!!!
Oh the places some of our elders have had to go and die to make sure the next generation had something put into them that would pass the covenant to them!
Right near the end of Jacobs life he is weary and worn in body but he wants to try to insure that in his sons and in his sons sons there is a recognition and a realization of who they are and where they were from and the covenant they live under!
So while he is weary in body and mind and he is in a place he really don’t want to be anyway…He summons his remaining strength and leans up on his staff…he doesn’t want Joseph nor Joseph’s children to have forgotten the sound of true worship…and so he presents it to them again…
Not only did Jacob want his sons and his sons sons to remember the song of true worship but he wanted to bless his legacy after him…he wanted to put his hand on their heads and I am convinced that Jacob wanted a spiritual transfer…that is what the laying on of hands is for…and Jacob wanted something spiritual to transfer from his heart into the hearts of his sons and grandsons…
I’m so very thankful for elders who put forth the effort to live a careful life in front of me and put their hands on my life and transferred a love and respect for God and Godly living to me!!!
I’m thankful that I allowed them to teach me what true worship sounded like…what true intercession sounded like…What true living for God was…What the true Apostolic Doctrine is!!!