
Summary: Tonight I would like to look at three things indicated by light, it can also be seen as an introduction to the article of the candlestick.

Tonight I would like to look at three things indicated by light, it can also be seen as an introduction to the article of the candlestick. We want to look at (1) The Nature of Christ as God, (2) The Necessity of Man, (3) The Need of the World. Look with me at:

I. THE NATURE OF CHRIST AS GOD- (1 Jn. 1:5) Light expresses God's

Nature and presence.

a.) God is light

(1) Glory of God- from the very beginning we read about God and when He shows up there is always light on the subject. (Gen. 1:3)

(2) Knowledge- all knowing, knows everything He needs to when He needs to.

(3) Holiness- Absolutely holy (James 1:13)

b.) "And in Him is no darkness at all.

(1) No imperfections

(2) No spot on His character

(3) No blemish on His being

(4) Not one shadow of suspicion

c.) It is important how we look at God

(1) This will determine how we live

á Low concept of God produces low living

á High concept of God produces a challenge to live a high and noble life.

(2) (Ezra 9:15; Is. 6:3)

(3) We must appreciate the holiness of God, we come to worship, we should do so with an attitude of reverence and respect, expectancy and response.

(4) Because of His holiness, He will not tolerate sin. (Hab. 1:13)

II. THE NECESSITY OF MAN (Light is essential)

a.) For life- (first thing God created was light)

b.) For fellowship- (1 John 1:7)

c.) For prayer- (Rom. 8:26-27)

III. THE NEED OF THE WORLD (Candlestick in Revelation represents Church)

What the world needs is for the Church to be the light in which she was intended

(Eph. 6:8-9)

a.) Light is clean and pure, so should every person which makes up the church.

b.) Light penetrates- eliminates darkness (1 Thess. 5:5)

c.) Light enlightens- enlarges vision and knowledge, surely we can agree that this world needs a knowledge of God.

d.) Light reveals- opens up areas of truth.

e.) Light guides- (Ps. 119:105)

f.) The church needs to understand that the only hope this world has is Jesus, not AA, BA, CA, DA or any other program designed to clean up the flesh, but they need Jesus as saviour to give them a new heart.

Conc. Sinner all you need is the light of the world to dispel your dark miserable life, and give you light. Saved person you need the light of Jesus to walk in and be pleasing to. You can't as the world would have you believe live as you want to and still have the light to walk in.

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