
The Call Of Mary

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on May 8, 2024
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Mary is unexpectedly chosen to be the mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Despite feeling unprepared, Mary humbly submits to God's plan. Mothers, like Mary, can handle their many roles with grace by having a humble spirit and being open to God's call on their lives.

The Call Of Mary

Youth Group Plan: The Call Of Mary (Luke 1:26-38)

Youth Sermon: The Call Of Mary


Hey guys, happy Mother's Day weekend! Today, we're giving a shout-out to all the moms, grandmas, and all the women who make a difference in our lives.

You know, life can be like a surprise pop quiz. You think you're ready for math class, and then BAM! You're hit with a history test. That's kinda what happened to Mary, Jesus' mom.

Life can be like a surprise pop quiz.

Mary's Unexpected News

Our story today is from Luke 1:26-38. So, Mary was just a regular teenager, living in a small town called Nazareth. She wasn't rich, she wasn't famous, and she definitely wasn't ready to be a mom. But then, out of nowhere, she gets this angel, Gabriel, telling her she's going to have a baby. And not just any baby, but Jesus, the Savior of the world. Talk about a surprise pop quiz!

Imagine you're at home, chilling, and suddenly an angel appears and tells you that you're going to have a baby, and not just any baby, but the Son of God. You'd probably be like, "Wait, what?!" That's exactly how Mary felt. She was scared and confused. But instead of freaking out, she chose to trust God.

Object Lesson

Now, let's do a little object lesson. I want you all to take out your phones. Yes, you heard me right. Take out your phones. Now, imagine your phone represents your life. You've got all your apps, your contacts, your photos - everything organized just the way you like it. Then, imagine someone comes along and installs a new app on your phone, an app you didn't ask for and don't know how to use. That's kind of like what happened to Mary. God installed a new "app" in her life - motherhood - and she had no idea how to use it. But she trusted God to guide her.

Mary was chosen by God, not because she was ready or because she had it all together, but because of her heart. She was willing to say "yes" to God, even when it was hard. And because of that, she was given the grace to handle all the ups and downs of being Jesus' mom.


So, what's the takeaway for us? Well, life is full of unexpected "apps". We might not feel ready or equipped to handle them. But just like Mary, we can trust God to guide us. We can say "yes" to Him, even when it's hard. And when we do, we'll find that He gives us the grace to handle whatever comes our way.

Let's pray: "God, thank you for all the moms and women who make a difference in our lives. Help us to trust you, even when life throws us a curveball. Give us the courage to say 'yes' to you, even when it's hard. Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How do you usually react to unexpected situations?

2. What can we learn from Mary's response to her unexpected calling?

3. How can we apply Mary's example in our daily lives?

4. What does it mean to trust and obey God even when we don't understand His plan?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Unexpected Calling

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