
Summary: A look at the usage of the word "BUT" in I Corinthians 15

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Read Romans 5:1-9 (Prayer)

I. Introduction

a. The word “but”.

i. We are not talking about a person or thing that is an object of ridicule or sarcasm.

ii. We are not talking about a wall of earth – used for defense (buttress)

iii. We are not talking about “butting in” or “butting out” in something. (meddling)

iv. We are not talking about the thick end or blunt end of something (butt of a rifle)

v. We are not talking about a cigarette butt

vi. We are not talking about a lean cut of pork shoulder

vii. We are not talking about a shorter version of the word “buttock”

viii. We are talking about the word “but” being used as a conjunction.

1. A “conjunction” is a word which joins

sentences, clauses, phrases, thoughts or ideas.

2. And “but” is a word that can be used as a conjunction.

3. Therefore it joins sentences, clauses, phrases, thoughts or ideas.

4. It is used to introduce a statement that:

a. “adds something” to the previous sentence, clause, phrase, thought or idea,

b. and usually “contrasts” in some way.

II. I Corinthians 15:10 The BUT of Position

a. We read in Verses 1-8, some of the testimony of the Apostle Paul.

i. Paul elaborates in v7 that Jesus was seen by James and the other Apostles.

ii. Then in v8 that he was seen by Paul – kinda out of the “norm”.

1. Paul didn’t see Jesus during His ministry here on earth.

2. But met Jesus on the Damascus Road

iii. He states in v9:

1. He is the least of the Apostle

2. He doesn’t think he should be called an Apostle

3. Because he (Paul) persecuted the Church of God.

b. Then in v10, we get the word “BUT”

i. Even though Paul persecuted the believers, was called the chiefest of sinners,

ii. By the grace of God, God, Himself made Paul an Apostle.

iii. Because of the “but” – Paul labored hard and long for his Lord.

III. I Corinthians 15:13 The BUT of Glory

a. An important of the Gospel is that Christ rose from the dead (v4)

i. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead.

ii. There were some in the city of Corinth that said there was no resurrection of the dead.

1. Even though Paul and the other Apostles preached Christ alive.

2. Even though over 500 people, at once, had seen Jesus alive.

3. The gospel is true – the facts of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

b. Verse 13 contains the word “BUT”

i. The fact of the Good News is contrasted by the lie of the Bad News.

1. “What if” Christ is not risen?

2. “What if” Christ is still in the grave?

c. “BUT” of Glory?

i. Because the Good News is true and factual.

1. BUT there IS resurrection from the grave.

ii. Christ didn’t just raise someone, anyone from the grave.

1. Christ raised HIMSELF from the grave.

IV. I Corinthians 15:20 The BUT of Hope

a. If there is NO resurrection

i. Then Christ is not risen

ii. If Christ is not risen,

1. then our preaching is in vain

2. your faith is in vain

3. we are false witnesses (liars)

4. we are yet in our sins

5. those already who have died in faith are perished

6. we are most miserable with no hope

b. “BUT” there IS resurrection from the grave.

i. Since there IS resurrection from the grave.

ii. And Since Jesus had/has the power of resurrection to raise even Himself.

iii. We have the HOPE that Jesus will raise us up by His power

V. I Corinthians 15:23 The BUT of Life

a. By Adam, sin entered into the human race.

i. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

ii. “The wages of sin is death …… “

b. “BUT” by Christ comes life.

i. He gives us life eternal (Spiritual)

ii. “….. but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

iii. He give us life eternal (Physical)

iv. Christ is the first fruits of resurrection

1. Christ will raise us up at His coming.

VI. I Corinthians 15:27 The BUT of Following Christ

a. Death is this life is still ruling.

i. “It is appointed unto a man once to die and after this the judgment”.

ii. Death is a fact that comes to the poor and the rich, the young and old, the ready and not ready.

b. “BUT” we will be following Christ

i. When he puts all things under Himself.

ii. When all things are subject to Him.

iii. Christ, Himself, will raise us up also

1. We will follow Him in the resurrection.

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