
The Bread of Life

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
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Understand and embrace Jesus as the Bread of Life, who provides spiritual satisfaction and eternal life to those who believe in Him.


Good morning, family!

To kick things off, let me read you some of the words of the ever-inspiring A.W. Tozer, "The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One." Today, we'll be diving into a thought-provoking passage from John 6: 25-35. This passage portrays Jesus as the Bread of Life, the Satisfaction of Christ, and the Abundance of God's Kingdom. It's a passage that speaks to the core of our Christian faith, emphasizing the fullness and completeness found only in Christ.

Allow me to read the passage for you:

[Read passage]

Let's bow our heads for a moment before we dive in.

Dear Lord, we thank you for your life-giving word. As we explore this rich passage today, open our hearts to understand the profound wisdom in your words. Help us to grasp the depth of your love for us, reflected in the gift of Your son Jesus Christ, our Bread of Life. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

The Bread of Life

The Bread of Life, a title Jesus used to describe Himself, is a profound metaphor that encapsulates the essence of His mission on earth. When Jesus declares, "I am the Bread of Life," He is making a powerful statement about His role in our spiritual sustenance. Just as physical bread nourishes the body, Jesus, as the Bread of Life, nourishes our souls. He is the source of our spiritual vitality, the sustainer of our faith, and the provider of eternal life.

Significant in the Jewish culture: Bread was a staple of their diet, a symbol of sustenance and life. In the Old Testament, God provided manna, a type of bread, from heaven to feed the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness. This miraculous provision was a clear demonstration of God's care and provision for His people. When Jesus identifies Himself as the Bread of Life, He is positioning Himself as the new manna, the divine provision for the spiritual hunger of humanity.

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The true bread from heaven: The manna in the wilderness, while miraculous, was temporary and perishable. It sustained the Israelites physically but could not provide eternal life. In contrast, Jesus, the Bread of Life, offers eternal sustenance. He satisfies our deepest spiritual hunger and quenches our spiritual thirst. He is the only source of eternal life, and those who partake of Him will never hunger or thirst again.

The necessity of a personal relationship with Him: Just as physical bread must be eaten to provide nourishment, so too must we partake of Jesus to experience the life He offers. This is not a one-time event but a continuous process. We must daily feed on Him, draw our sustenance from Him, and find our satisfaction in Him. This implies a deep, intimate, and personal relationship with Jesus.

The inclusivity of Jesus' offer: Bread is a universal food, consumed by people of all cultures and socioeconomic statuses. When Jesus declares Himself as the Bread of Life, He is saying that His offer of spiritual nourishment and eternal life is available to all, regardless of their background or status. His invitation is open to everyone who is willing to come to Him, believe in Him, and partake of Him.

The Satisfaction of Christ

The satisfaction of Christ is the idea that Christ alone can truly satisfy the deepest longings and desires of the human heart ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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