The Blood Of Jesus
Contributed by Carl Palatino on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We will know the implication of the blood of Jesus on the cross and know the benefit of it when you become a believer.
ROMANS 5:8-10
Gen. 1:26 Man was created according to the image of God.
1. Reason
- By reason we apprehend concrete things in perception and consciousness, and cognize abstract truth, both metaphysical and moral.
2. Speech
- By speech we make certain easy and sensible acts of our own the signs of the various objects of our contemplative faculties to ourselves and others.
3. Will
- By will we choose, determine, and resolve upon what is to be done.
4. Power
- By power we act, either in giving expression to our concepts in words, or effect to our determinations in deeds.
Because of Sin the image of God in man has been damaged and needs repair by the blood of Jesus
Hebrew and Old Testament Customs
The rite of circumcision is an Old Testament form of blood ceremony. Apart from the probable sanitary importance of the act is the deeper meaning in the establishment of a bond of friendship between the one upon whom the act is performed and Yahweh Himself. In order that Abraham might become “the friend of God” he was commanded that he should be circumcised as a token of the covenant between him and God (Gen_17:10-11; see CIRCUMCISION).
It is significant that the eating of blood was prohibited in earliest Bible times (Gen_9:4). The custom probably prevailed among heathen nations as a religious rite (compare Psa_16:4). This and its unhygienic influence together doubtless led to its becoming taboo. The same prohibition was made under the Mosaic code (Lev_7:26; see SACRIFICE).
Blood was commanded to be used also for purification or for ceremonial cleansing (Lev_14:5-7, Lev_14:51, Lev_14:52; Num_19:4), provided, however, that it be taken from a clean animal (see PURIFICATION).
Preposition: Thru the blood of Jesus Christ we received the Kingdom of Heaven, and we are saved.
“Christ Died for Us”
Freedom from three things:
a. Sin -The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command; a wicked act; iniquity. Sin is either a positive act in which a known divine law is violated, or it is the voluntary neglect to obey a positive divine command, or a rule of duty clearly implied in such command. Sin comprehends not action only, but neglect of known duty, all evil thoughts purposes, words and desires, whatever is contrary to God's commands or law. 1 John 3. Mat 15. James 4. Sinner neither enjoy the pleasures of nor the peace of piety. Among divines, sin is original or actual. Actual sin, above defined, is the act of a moral agent in violating a known rule of duty. Original sin, as generally understood, is native depravity of heart to the divine will, that corruption of nature of deterioration of the moral character of man, which is supposed to be the effect of Adam's apostasy; and which manifests itself in moral agents by positive act of disobedience to the divine will, or by the voluntary neglect to comply with the express commands of God, which require that we should love God with all the heart and soul and strength and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves
b. Death- Separation or alienation of the soul from God; a being under the dominion of sin, and destitute of grace or divine life; called spiritual death.
c. Evil - Having bad qualities of a moral kind; wicked; corrupt; perverse; wrong; as evil thoughts; evil deeds; evil speaking; an evil generation.
“We have now been justified by his blood”
a. Deliverance from future condemnation
- Jesus Christ, in his endless comparison towards us gave his life for ours, while we were yet enemies; being now justified by his blood - by his death on the cross, and thus reconciled to God, we shall be saved from wrath - from punishment for past transgression, through him - by what he has done he suffered for us to deliver us from future condemnation.
b. Citizenship of Heaven
CITIZENSHIP – means the native of a city, or an inhabitant who enjoys the freedom and privileges of the city in which he resides; the freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner,
- All God's people are sojourners in this world, strangers and pilgrims in it; this is not their dwelling place; they do not belong to it, but to another.
“We were reconciled to God by the death of his Son”
a. Friendship
- An attachment to a person, proceeding from intimate acquaintance. Friendship differs from benevolence, which is good will to mankind in general; True friendship is a noble and virtuous attachment, springing from a pure source, a respect for worth or amiable qualities.