
Summary: A sermon based on Psalm 1 challenging the hearer to consider what it means to live a life blessed by God.

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FBCF – 5/17/20

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Rachel & I danced to “Happy” by Pharell at her wedding. People want to be happy.

The Hebrew word for “Blessed” means “happy.”

What do you think of when you think of a blessed life – a happy life? What are the characteristics?

- Some people may think more $

- Success in business or school

- Popularity/respect among peers

- Having nice things – home, possessions

- Being healthy

We ask God to bless others – our kids, families, friends, church, missionaries. What are we asking for? What do we mean by that request?

We, as Christ-followers, are the most blessed people on earth.

- God has sent His Son to save us from our sins.

- He has sent His Holy Spirit to us to empower & equip us to live the Christian life.

- We are blessed!

So, how do we live this blessed life?

EXPLANATION – Open Bibles to Psalm 1.

Ps. 1 serves as a prologue & gateway to the rest of the Psalms. It’s a prelude of sorts for the remainder of the 150 Psalms.

- Prelude in worship service – designed to help prepare your heart & mind for worship

- Designed to begin directing our attention away from all the cares & distractions that may be weighing you down, & start directed your mind’s attention & your heart’s affection to the ONLY One who can strengthen you & provide for you in those cares & needs that you brought into the worship service.

This Psalm does that. It draws a distinction between a good person – a “blessed” person who has been blessed by God, not just someone who is better off than his/her neighbor - & a “wicked” person – a person who doesn’t care about the things of God, who is living for the world & their own selfish desires & pursuits.

- “The good man becomes stable, gracious, & prosperous; the evil man becomes empty, futile, & forgotten. It is a SHARP word, which the modern world would do well to remember.” (Interpreter’s Bible, p. 19)

When it comes down to it, there are only 2 ways that a person can live their life – either as a blessed person who is living for the Lord. Or an unblessed person who is living for themselves – there is NO middle ground.

- Jesus made this clear in Rev. 3:15-16 when He talked about being either “hot” or “cold.” Lukewarmness makes Him sick & want to vomit!

Part of our high calling as Christ-followers is to lovingly, but strongly tell others this truth & warn them about the eternal consequences of staying on the path of the unblessed person.

- Prov. 14:12 – “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death” (NLT).

- If you knew someone was walking down a path in the woods that would lead them straight to a hungry, vicious, huge grizzly bear, wouldn’t you warn them?

- If you knew someone was driving down a road headed toward a bridge that was washed out over a dangerous, raging, rushing river, wouldn’t you warn them?

We have the greatest GOOD NEWS in the world, &, too often, we keep it to ourselves. How tragic!

- Aren’t you thankful for the blessed life that God has given to you by His GRACE?

- Then share it w/ others!



Notice the progression in this verse:

- WALK w/ wicked

- STAND w/ sinners

- SIT w/ scoffers

“walk” – go along with; travel with

“stand” – stop moving; remain; persist

“sit” – dwell; abide; establish a dwelling place

Be careful about taking counsel [advice; planning schemes] with “wicked” people who don’t care about the things of God.

Be careful about taking part in the ways [conduct; way of behavior; activity] of sinners who are deliberately turning away from God & rebelling against Him.

Be careful about dwelling with & establishing a throne with those who are openly & vigorously opposing God & His people.

BE FAITHFUL – v. 2-3 – to God’s instructions through His Word.

To “delight” in His Word means to take joy & pleasure in it.

- Whatever brings you joy & pleasure is where you’re going to spend your time.

o Kids/grandkids/ friends bring you joy & pleasure – You’re going to spend time w/ them

o Activities (hunting, fishing, vacationing, etc.) bring you joy & pleasure – You’re going to spend time doing those things

Delight in the Word! Pursue it! Go after it like you would for a hidden treasure filled w/ costly jewels b/c that’s what it is! It’s a treasure!!!

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