
Summary: As we will all soon find out...many times in life...situations happen to us that drastically change not only our future... but all those around us as well? As I read from Acts...Chapter 9:1... We’ll see why this event is important to everyone this mor

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Video… Drenched



Who all watched the super bowl last Sunday night?

Even though my 49ers did get was a great football game…and it was one that will be remembered for many years.

As painful as it is for me to talk about this...I believe we all can learn something from the event that happened that night during the game.

Following the 108 yard kickoff return by Baltimore’s return specialist Jacoby Jones...a strange occurrence happened.

Early in the third quarter more than half the lights went out in the New Orleans Super Dome.

This unexplainable event caused the game to be stopped for approximately 34 minutes...until play resumed again.

I’m sure at this point several of you are thinking....Pastor what in the world does a football game have to do with God and me.

As we will all soon find out...many times in life...situations happen to us that drastically change not only our future... but all those around us as well?

As I read from Acts...Chapter 9:1... We’ll see why this event is important to everyone this morning.


Slide #2 Acts 9:1-9

“Meanwhile Saul, still breathing out threats to murder the Lord’s disciples, went to the high priest

2 and requested letters from him to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any who belonged to the Way,(The Christianity movement) …

Either men or women, he could bring them as prisoners to Jerusalem.

3 As he was going along, approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.

4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

5 So he said, “Who are you, Lord?” He replied, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting!

6 But stand up and enter the city… and you will be told what you must do.”

7 (Now the men who were traveling with him stood there speechless, because they heard the voice but saw no one.)

8 So Saul got up from the ground, but although his eyes were open, he could see nothing. Leading him by the hand, his companions brought him into Damascus.

9 For three days he could not see, and he neither ate nor drank anything”

Wow...what an awkward Saul finds himself in one of those unexplainable experiences that life often throws at us.

Slide #3

Let me begin by sharing with you what the Bible shares with us about this man named Saul…

Saul hates Jesus ... and he hates anything or anyone who has anything at all to do with the Christian movement.

During this time in History...I don’t believe that Jesus had any greater enemy than this man named Saul.

This was a guy who was clearly over obsessed with His belief and his work...

Everywhere he went he made havoc of the church...

The Bible tells us that…he went from House to House... looking for men and women alike who were active in the Christian Movement.

Once he found them... he would literally... Have them dragged them from their homes...And have them thrown into prison for their Christian beliefs.

He was so obsessed with his belief...his life’s passion was to drive out and exterminate every Christian that he could.

Saul hated Jesus so much...In verses 1&2 we read where he went to the high Priest and says...paraphrased...

Slide #4

“I have heard that a group of these Christians have run away to Damascus...and I need you to give me permission by letter so that I can go get them.”

Basically…Saul was looking for a modern day search warrant.

What causes a man to hate Christians so much?

What did Saul think he might gain by traveling all the way to Damascus to get these run away Christians?

Maybe he thought that by doing this…he would play a little part in preventing the spread of Christianity in other cities?

Maybe he wanted to keep Christianity from spreading all the way into Rome?

Maybe he was selfishly... trying to advance his own career by building up a reputation for himself?

Whatever the case might have been...this journey on the Damascus Road was soon to reveal... not only to him but too millions to follow...

That God is a God of love and has the desire to change all people.

Remember earlier when I shared that this event was important for everyone...

Follow along as I read verses 3&4 and well find out why...

Slide# 5

3 As he was going along, approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.

4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

Last Sunday night the Baltimore Ravens were clearly in total control of the game during the first half... until the lights went out.

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