The Birth Of A Mother
Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Jun 4, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: Something miraculous happens when a woman gives birth to her first child. For in a way there are really two births. The first is the birth of the child. The second is the birth of the mother. It is a miraculous gift of creation. (4 other illustrations)
A Mother's Poem:
"Some may climb Mt Everest, ... in search of thrills galore,
But I scale peaks that rival it, ... just past the laundry door:
Slopes of socks and underwear, ... sheer cliffs of shirts and pants.
Oh, yes, I live in mortal fear; ... of a laundry avalanche"
We have come together today ......First and Foremost .... to honor.... our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .... with our worship.
This day... May 8th.... is also a time, .... to honor .... our mothers, .... grandmothers .... and the mothers .... of our children.
These...... are lifetime tasks, .... neither of which ......can be confined .... to a one hour .... worship service.
This is a day.... for greetings...... and expressions of love.
It is also a day.... for remembering.
I do not believe .... that anything has ever been said ...... or ever will be said ....... that is eloquent enough, ...... or expressive enough ......to articulate .... the true value ......of a mother.
Motherhood .... is a special gift ...... from God.
Now, it seems to me, ... that something miraculous happens ... when a woman gives birth to her first child.
For in a way ... there are really two births.
The first is the birth of the child.
The second is the birth of the mother.
It is a miraculous gift ... of creation.
A mother is considered "old fashioned" ....to her teenager; .... just "Mom" to her third-grader; and simple "Mama" ....to the little .... two-year old.
Beloved, ... we need to love and appreciate our mothers and grandmothers while we have them. (Pause)
It is so very moving that one of the last things Jesus did on earth was to take care of His mother!
Even in the dying moments of His life,
He never stopped loving her.
He never stopped caring for her.
Jesus honored his mother Mary.... ..... even as he hung .... on the Cross.
Hear God's word from the Gospel of John
BIBLE "...., standing near the cross of Jesus .... were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary ......., and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother ......and the disciple whom he loved .... standing beside her, ... he said to his mother.... "Woman, here is your son." 27 Then he said to the disciple...... "Here is your mother." .... And from that hour .... the disciple took her .... into his own home." END (John 19:25-26)
Near the Cross .... was Mary the mother of Jesus .... His mother's Sister Mary... Mary Magdalene and one other person ...... the disciple.... whom Jesus loved.
Now, the traditional thought ....is that this disciple ...... might be the apostle John himself.
Though others believe ...... that the disciple Jesus loved .... was Lazarus .... the one whom Jesus raised from the dead.
For in John's own Gospel ......Lazarus ...... is the only one referred to by name ......as the one .... Jesus loves.
Jesus went on to tell.... this disciple .... whomever he was ... that Mary was now his mother... and in turn ...he was saying.... That this disciple was now...her son.
Jesus makes an oral testament ....in front of witnesses, .... which makes it binding.
And He formally places his mother ...under this disciple's protection... requiring him....to provide for Mary.... after his death. (Pause)
Mothers can leave ......a wonderful imprint .... on the lives ......of their Children.
Their lives .... Their actions ......speak volumes.
If the Son of God takes time from the cross to honor His mother, ... You should make sure you honor Your mother!
And for us husbands ... to take time to honor the mother ... of our children.
The Fifth commandment given to Moses ... is to Honor your father and mother.
And Honoring your father and mother is not just something you do as a child or a teenager.
It is a commandment to be kept all through life. How do I know that?
Because The Scriptures Are Clear; Hear God's Word
BIBLE "Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, ... that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy a long life on the earth." END (Ephesians 6:2)
A commandment with a promise.
A commandment with a blessing.
Now Some may say, .... "But my mother wasn't honorable!"
Well, .... the Scriptures ...do not state that there is a qualification... there is no standard to be met......the only requirement... to receive honor.... is that she is...... your mother.
It is the only one .... of the 10 commandments .... with a promise.
If you honor your mother...... you will ......receive a blessing. REPEAT
Thank God for mothers and grandmothers...... who live in ....and proclaim the faith ......of Christ Jesus.
Moments with mothers and grandmothers.... Often become the foundation ......of memories.... that in turn become stories ... that are shared with the family.... for years to come.