
Summary: Is the Big Bang a theory or a fact. Find out as we continue to explore what the Bible says about our origins.

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The Big Bang

‘Something From Nothing?’


A. The reason I am teaching on the topic of evolution verses creation is so that you can get access to scientific information that the public schools are censoring for fear that it might show how foolish the teaching of evolution really is. Science professors, like the one in the movie Expelled, biology teachers, astronomy professors will do whatever it takes to prevent people from hearing anything that challenges evolution. They will make fun of scientists or teachers who teach creation, try to intimate people who say they believe in creation, and even seek to legally keep it out of the schools. So much for being ‘open minded!’

B. I am not a scientist but I am a person who can think and I feel I should be allowed to ask questions and challenge theories that I am taught. This material we shall look at today is presented to you not so much that you can remember all of it and use it in an argument with an evolutionist. It is presented with the hope that you will see that the Biblical teaching of creationism is good science and that you will get this truth settled in your heart once and for all.

C. If you get into a discussion with an evolutionists rather than trying to remember all this material it might be better to approach it this way. “I know there is good scientific research available for anyone who is ‘open minded’ enough to challenge the theory of evolution. I can get it for you if you are really interested in educating yourself.”

D. Show the Creation Magazine and the on screen. This coming Saturday, June 28, we will be caravanning down to see the Creation museum in Cincinnati. If you truly are interested in educating yourself and getting good scientific research done by brilliant scientists, geologists, nuclear physicists, molecular biologists, cosmologist, I invite you to come along. I can promise you that you will not regret it and it will change your life if you have any questions at all about evolution or creationism.

Is it really that important that we believe in creation? Mark 10:6

A. Let me give you at least three reasons why this is so important. Some people say, what is the big deal, so long as I believe in Jesus what does it matter if I believe in evolution or creation? Well it does matter and let me show you why.

1st Jesus believed in the story of creation. In Mark 10:6 we find Jesus making reference to the story of creation as He taught about marriage between a man and a woman. He declared that marriage is to be between a man and a woman because “from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” Evolutionary ideas about the rise of man from apes has caused all sorts of confusion today. The confusion over marriage between man and woman today can be traced to the teaching of evolution. Humans were specially created by God and are not simply highly evolved primates. It is clear that Jesus believed in the creation story and He used it as a basis for His teaching for marriage. If we reject creation we make Jesus a “false teacher.”

2nd If we can reject the plain teaching of Genesis, why can’t we reject the plain teaching of other scriptures? This is all about foundations. We are in a war of ideas that are contrary to God’s Word. This puts in question the divine inspiration of God’s Word. Either it is from God or it is from men. If you can dismiss this part of the Bible, then the entire Bible is built on a weak foundation. A building on a weak foundation is sure to collapse at sometime, which is what is happening in many churches today. They have destroyed the foundation of the Bible. If the creation story is not true, what about the genealogies that list every name all the way back to Adam? How can we have millions of years with these genealogies? We can’t. Either the genealogies are correct or they are also wrong. Either the Bible can be trusted or it cannot. If we reject Bible teaching just because it is hard to believe or science says it is impossible, then why not reject Jesus’ virgin birth and His resurrection from the dead, or His miracles? Just because creation is hard to believe and some scientist are saying it couldn’t have happened this way we cannot reject this. Ultimately we must come to grips with the fact that God’s Word often tells us things that only faith can accept, even before science is able to support it. We can do our best to prove these things out by scientific research and historical research but ultimately we have to choose who we will believe, the Word of God or the word of men.

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