
Summary: In the period of crisis, believers need to concentrate more on the faithfulness of the Lord instead of our unbelief's and limited means.

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Difficult and interesting times are upon us with the coronavirus, outbreak causing untold hardship and pains to many families, not only of the loved ones lost in the heat of the crisis but economic difficulties decimating the base of many families. The story is the same everywhere with people facing hard times due to the coronavirus. In such a situation believers might be tempted to ask the possibility of beating the odds. Some may ask what can a believer do in the midst of the suffering caused by the crisis?

As believers in the redeeming grace of God, we are not exempted from trouble and persecution when they occur. Therefore, we can do the imperatives beginning with knowing that today is the acceptable and the perfect time to remember the Lord and His promises to believers and the world. In addition, the Bible contains a huge treasure of promises to the Jews, the Gentiles, and the church that can never fail. God had placed them there to be our hope for every situation in life, to increase your faith in tribulation.

Hence, it is safe to present the promises of God before the throne of God as a treasury bill. God has given His word to believers on the oath He swore, and the working of His power to perform what He had said. In essence, holding them by faith means we believe in who He is, and His power to accomplish what He has promised about our deliverance. Hebrew 10:23.

However, in times of crisis always remember the promises of God never fails. We have a God who is faithful and keeps his promises faithfully. No matter what you are going through right now, believe God keeps His words. Are you struggling to make ends meet, because of the crisis, remember He keeps His promises? Even if you are worried about the future, remember His words. He had said, “Call on me in the time of trouble, and I will show you great and mighty things”. Moreover, He had said I would deliver you in the time of crisis.

In times of crisis, it is profitable repeatedly to emphasize the Almightiness of the Lord instead of the fear that surrounds us. No matter our circumstances, God Is Greater than our concept of the universe, He has shown us His power in His works. He loves us more than we know and thinks. He is able to perform His goodness to us.

Again, it is better to dwell in the power of the love of God to overcome any crisis whether caused by a natural force or human errors. Since love is His nature that permeates the entire being of our Lord. God so loved us, therefore He wants a love relationship with us no matter what our position and circumstance might be. Therein Christians can grow their relationship with him and the result is a full experience of His limitless, transforming love. Hence, it is better to delight oneself in the love of God.

The best time to trust in God is when crisis and trouble relentlessly strike our state of peace. That is the appointed time to believe in the power of the Lord God our Savior Jesus Chris. The strength of God can overcome the weakness caused by the seeming crisis of the pandemic. Believe in the promises of God who is sovereign over all as He is a God that is able to do abundantly above all that we know.

In the period of crisis, believers need to concentrate more on the faithfulness of the Lord instead of our unbelief's and limited means. In times of crisis, the best response is a call for prayers, so pray until it becomes your nature and place of communicating with the Lord. In addition, believers can engage in online prayer services as much as possible. Prayers and intercession is a necessity at all times, especially times of crisis.

God does respond to the prayers of the humble and the faithful. Therefore, invest in prayer, study about prayer and pray, memorize prayer verses, and read books about prayers. Prayer has the power to make a difference. Prayer has the power to change lives and things in the physical and spiritual realm when we pray according to God’s will. God has commanded us in His Word to ask, seek, and knock with the promise of an answer.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and not in your own might. Learning to wait and trust in the provisions of the Lord is paramount in any crisis. The key to thriving in the midst of the coronavirus is to believe that God is sovereign overall. The pandemic situation is a great opportunity for believers to demonstrate their confidence in the Lord. Often showing the strength of faith. In fact, our disposition reveals itself in times of crisis, and time of trials.

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