
Summary: The best knowledge is to have the genuine knowledge. We have the genuine knowledge. The apostles tell us through their testimonies in the Scriptures that what we have is the authentic knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ.

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The best knowledge is to have the genuine knowledge. We have the genuine knowledge. The apostles tell us through their testimonies in the Scriptures that what we have is the authentic knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle John said, “What existed from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we observed and touched with our own hands-this is the Word of life! This life was revealed to us, and we have seen it and testify about it. We declare to you this eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us. What we have seen and heard we declare to you so that you, too, can have fellowship with us. Now this fellowship of ours is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We are writing these things so that our joy may be full. This is the message that we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, and in him there is no darkness-none at all!” (1 John 1:1-5)

We have the best knowledge because…


A. Hearts must be encouraged, 1-3

1. Being knit together in love (united in love).

This is why Paul wanted to see them, for all of them to experience the oneness in Christ.

Illustration: What is your feeling being with other believers from other places in a conference?

• Biennial Conf.

• Luzon pastors with Aeta believers and workers

• With Hongkong pastors in CCBC

2. This knowledge helps in attaining all the wealth of understanding of the mystery of God, which is disclosed to the saints/believers (1:26), 2-3.

Proper understanding of the person of Jesus Christ leads to more precious/treasures knowledge and wisdom that is hidden from the unbelievers. You may not yet understand a lot of things of God today but with your commitment to know them through a deeper relationship with Him, the Holy Spirit will make them clear to you.

Paul prayed for them (and for us)

• To be filled with knowledge

• For understanding

• To live a life worthy for the Lord

B. Heads must be fortified (Helmet of salvation), 4-7

So that can be deceived by fine sounding arguments like the one being used in “DA VINCI CODE”—FICTION! It is of the same category of myth and debates on genealogies that Paul battled with 2,000 years ago.

1. By good discipline (discipline in action)

• Study of the word, application, prayer and worship

2. By the stability in the faith

• Filled our minds with the truth about God, His person, His works, His plans and His purposes.

• Renew our minds daily with the things of God (Romans 12:2)

3. By walking with Christ

Since we have the best knowledge, therefore…


A. Heresies must be silenced, 8-10

1. By defending the Deity of Christ, 9

Paul defended the deity of Christ by telling the readers not to give deceivers a chance to fool them through their hollow teachings that are fully based on human reasoning. In a way we are told to silence this kind of teachings and heretics. And this is by teaching or propagating the truth of God’s word. This is the only way to do it, “All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting…”

I don’t agree with the way that one pastor-congressman is doing it. Trying to use the law and legislation to silence the heresies (DA VINCI CODE-MTRCB-LA GUARDIA AND DR. BENNY ABANTE).

Speak up and speak out your knowledge of Christ. Tell them the truth. Do not be passive, especially that movies are now trying to destroy the deity of Jesus Christ. In summer of last year, I came across about a film that is entitled 666 and to be played simultaneously on June 6, 2006 worldwide. Last May 25, I saw it the Yahoo News, that the movie is going to be shown on the dates that was mentioned. This is another attack on Jesus, our Lord, the enemies are using all the available avenue to blaspheme God. Don’t be silent, go out speak out now. Share the word of God. Share the gospel o every living creature.

2. By accepting our completeness in Christ, 10

Only through the Biblical Jesus that we can be complete, if our knowledge of Christ is not as complete as the way He was revealed by the Scripture, we are still falling short of the measure God requires (Romans 3:23). If we know as…

• “Oneness” Theology

• “Jesus Clothes” in the Gospel of Judas

• “Man-Jesus” of INC (Iglesia Ni Cristo)

• “Small mighty God” of JW

• “Jesus—brother of Satan” of the LDS

• “Jesus-Quiboloy” of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ of Davao

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