
Summary: I know it's hard to look through the storm and see the sun shining on a new day. But that's exactly what the Holy Spirit encourages us to do. No matter how bad things look or feel, "the best is yet to come."

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I have a word for you today that is going to require a stretch of faith to get a hold of. In fact it is so far out there that I know that some of you won't even reach for it.

I know today that I am speaking to some people who have been hit hard by this Corona Virus Pandemic. Some have been hit Physically with the virus itself. Others have taken a financial hit. And I know that some of you listening to me today have had the breath knocked out of you, and you are still reeling from the blow.

And I know that when you have taken such a hard hit, its' hard to get your breath back, and it's hard to smile and act like every things fine when it's not.

I know that even the Bible says that Acting happy and cheerful and singing songs of cheerfulness is like rubbing salt in the wounds of a person who is hurting already.

Well I can understand that so I'm trying to be as gentle as I can and still be obedient to the Holy Spirit,

I am not saying these things today to make light of the the situation and the circumstances that we are in.

I know there are multitudes of people right now that are hurting "physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

But God sent me here today not to patronize or minimize your pain with Jokes or Sarcasm's, but to be a light house in the middle of your storms.

A lighthouse in the midst of the darkness, and the gloom.

A lighthouse-not to say you're not in a storm, and not to say that you don't feel like you're going under... But a lighthouse to say...

*Don't Quit.

*Don't Quit fighting.

*Don't Quit hoping.

*Don't Quit dreaming.

*Don't give in to the feelings of hopelessness.

The lighthouse does not shine to deny the storms, or to pretend they don't exist.

*But the lighthouse shines to say... you can make it.

*The lighthouse says... There have been others before you that have been in storms just like you, some worse and some not as bad, and I guided them through.

*The lighthouse says... you can make it.

*The lighthouse says... the storm won't last forever.

*The lighthouse says... the sun will shine again.

*The lighthouse says.. . weeping may endure for the night but Joy cometh in the morning.

This is what the Holy Spirit told me to say today. He said, prophesy and declare with boldness,

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

I know that's a stretch for some of you today, and I know that may sound like a foolish statement.

But God said to tell you, that just like the lighthouse guides the storm tossed weary sailors home... those who believe his word in this storm will be guided to the best yet.

God said to tell you. .. He will not be out done by anything the devil does. When God gets through blessing you, the devil will be embarrassed to lift his head, and he will be sorry he ever messed with the child of God.

Ok lets go back to our text, there is "Extreme famine, people are dying. They have even resorted to cannibalism to save themselves.

The prophet (The lighthouse) Declares... By this time tomorrow the famine will be broken and also where there has been lack, and hopelessness and fear, there shall be plenty... there will be an abundance. There will be plenty of food and money.

I am sure that some were too overcome by their grief to even listen to the prophet. His words were like salt in their wounds, and they probably just ignored him.

The truth is, hopelessness and despair can actually close your ears and eyes to better days.

But one man spoke up. He was a right hand man to the king.

He actually denounced the prophet. He said, maybe, if the Lord should make windows in heaven, maybe this thing could possibly happen.

He publicly disputed and repudiated the Word of the Lord. The truth is, this man probably said what so many of them were feeling, but he put it into words.

The prophet answered him, it will certainly happen, and you will see it, but you will not benefit from it. In other words, you have decided for yourself your fate by the words you spoke.

The city is locked up tight, the supply lines are cut off. They are in lock-down, they can’t go anywhere.

Ben-hadad the king of Syria gathered up all his host and besieged Samaria. And the Bible says, there was great famine in the city.

Now the story goes like this, there were four lepers outside the city gate, and they said to each other. Why sit we here until we die. Let us fall into the hands of the Syrians, all they can do is kill us.

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