
Summary: For this reason Paul cautions the Christians in Rome about the temptation to think too highly of themselves at the expense of mutual consideration. Let us examine some of the reasons why we should use sound judgment in accordance with the faith to conside

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Why Should We Use Sound Judgment to Consider Our Place in the Body of Christ? – Rom. 12:3

As Americans we can be very competitive and outspoken about our success. One enduring characteristics about Americans is our freedom to speak our mind as given to us by the first amendment.

We love our personal liberty and really do not like to be bossed around or told what to do. In every congregation prideful attitudes can threaten to disrupt the unity of the body of Christ. For this reason Paul cautions the Christians in Rome about the temptation to think too highly of themselves at the expense of mutual consideration. Let us examine some of the reasons why we should use sound judgment in accordance with the faith to consider our individual place in the body of Christ?

Paul wrote, "The spiritual man makes judgment of all things." (I Cor. 2:14-16)

Jesus said, "Judge with righteous judgment." (John 7:24)

Illustration – A.C. Green, the former member of the champion Los Angeles Lakers, is a good example of one who uses sound judgment about his place in the body of Christ. A.C. Green, a sixteen-year veteran of the National Basketball Association formed the A.C. Green Foundation for Youth to help at-risk youth recognize and achieve their full potential. After trusting Christ as his Savior and Lord Green wanted to show people what the power of God could do for a person. He emphasizes building self-esteem, integrity and character in young people; the principles are the heart of Green’s abstinence curriculum “I’ve Got the Power (currently being implemented in more than 100 schools and organizations nationwide). They are also covered in the three camps that Green runs each summer in Portland, Los Angeles and Phoenix. More than 5000 kids between the ages of 10 and 15 have participated.

Green writes in his book, Victory: The Principles of Championship Living, “God expects us to reproduce in others what we have learned. Everything goes back to being accountable to God and to others.” (Christian Reader, p. 23 Jan-Feb 2002) Whatever gift, talent or resource God has given you He expects you to use it using sound judgment for His purposes. Why not ask Him to help you? He loves to answer prayer in ways that demonstrate His power and love. Ask God to giv you wisdom in using sound judgment in all of your decisions.

1. Sound judgment is necessary to help each of us avoid glorying in our own importance. We are all prone to think more of ourselves than others because of our sinful and selfish nature.

Paul knew that people are always apt to overlook their own faults. Prideful people magnify the specks in their eyes of their brothers while forgetting to remember the logs in their own eyes.

Prideful people are often overly critical people whose arrogant attitude causes friction, vexation and disunity. When our spiritual gifts makes us think of ourselves more highly than we should, we get puffed up with a false sense of self-glorification that stifles harmony.

Application: Every temperament, gift and talent is a gift from God and should not be used as a badge of personal achievement. Use wise discernment as you consider your place in relationship to the greater body of Christ.

2. Sound judgment is necessary in order to exercise modesty in all things. Modest people are loath to think of themselves to highly because they know that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before stumbling.

Paul wrote to the proud Corinthians, “What do you have that you did not receive?” The best people in our church are still sinners that have been saved by God’s marvelous grace. Our salvation, redemption and forgiveness give us our freedom by the Creator who has given us the gift of life. Sound judgment is necessary to help us remember that modesty is befitting every individual part of the body of Christ.

3. Sound judgment is necessary in order to maintain good relations with other Christians. Experts tell us that 85% of the success of people in the work place is directly related to their interpersonal relationships.

Bad attitude hinder good relationships. Some of the most gifted people in the world struggle to get along with people because they are unwilling to apply energy into the maintaining of healthy interpersonal relationships.

Application: Ask the Lord to give you more love for others by not looking out for your own interests but also for the interests of others. Follow the good example that was in Christ Jesus – the true model of a servant.

4. Sound judgment is necessary in order to maintain a good relationship with God. The Bible says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (I Pet. 5:5,6) Not only do we need to show a submissive attitude to God but also to the elders in the body of Christ in order to receive blessings from God.

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