
Summary: The Benefits of Justification by Faith - Rom. 5:1-5

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The Benefits of Justification by Faith - Rom. 5:1-5

Illustration:It is no wonder that in 15 years of asking high school students throughout America whether, in an emergency situation, they would save their dog or a stranger first, most students have answered that they would not save the stranger. "I love my dog, I don’t love the stranger," they always say. The feeling of love has supplanted God or religious principle as the moral guide for young people. What is right has been redefined in terms of what an individual feels.

Dennis Prager in Good News, July/Aug, 1993, quoted in Christianity Today, Oct 25, 1993, p. 73.

1. Have you ever stopped to consider some of the benefits enjoyed by those who are justified in Christ? The privileges of justification cause a person to pity those who have yet to trust Christ as their Savior and Lord. Paul has just taken four chapters to spell out the misery, helplessness and emptiness of those who are yet to receive Christ’s pardon for their sins. It helps one understand the state of harmony, freedom and peace enjoyed by those who enjoy Divine favor through the justification given to the repentant. Paul urges us to appropriate all the benefits we have through our justification in Christ so we do not receive the grace of God in vain. Ask the Lord to help you find ways to use your privileges of peace, grace, character, endurance, joy, hope, salvation and love for His greater glory. Do not waste any of your advantages.

2. Paul taught the Romans about the benefits of acceptance, belonging and companionship with God. The great apostle wrote, "We have peace with God." This is not just a peace of mind, but it is to put one in a position of eternal fellowship with our Creator. Once we were at war with God and living in enmity against Him because of our sin. Approximately, 86% of the world’s population still lives without the benefits of being justified through Christ. What a terrible position to be in. Who wants to live with fear, emptiness and a constant sense of alienation. People without Christ live in a state of separation from God. They stand in aversion to His kingdom and righteous without even realizing it. These billions live in opposition to the purposes, processes and person of God. All their efforts are ultimately not enough to win the acceptance of God until they come to Him by faith in the free justification by faith in Christ’s full offer of atonement. Yet, Christ’s wonderful gift of forgiveness allows us to be reconciled with God. What a fantastic transformation Christ has worked on our behalf through His justification. Regardless of whatever happens we can rejoice that we are fully accepted, reconciled and can count on God’s companionship for eternity. Thank God, even though it took me nineteen years to come to a point where I made that decision to place saving faith in Christ, I have tried to make the most of my benefits since that day. Ask the Lord to help you do all that you can to bring others to a point of reconciliation with Jesus.

3. Paul taught the Romans about the benefits of no longer living in rebellion against God. When a person trusts Christ as their Savior and Lord they submit to His rightful authority. They enjoy an eternal sense of calm and assurance. They gain a new nature. Sadly, many choose to live according to their own insights and suffer. It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the living God. Many non-christians continue to oppose God with their sinful thoughts, beliefs and lifestyles. Anyone who thinks that they can succeed in a war against God is sadly mistaken. God gave us great joy through our justification that has the power to influence thousands. The world spends billions of dollars every year on all kinds of entertainment looking for some small measure of joy. Ask the Lord to help you be a joyful example of the benefits of one who has learned to live under the rightful authority and allegiance to our Justifier.

4. Paul taught the Romans about the benefits of knowing they are backed by God’s approval. When a person knows they are pleasing their authority they can enjoy great confidence in what they are doing. The justified in Christ are assured of God’s eternal approval through Christ. They do not have to work, beg or sacrifice to earn God’s favor any longer. They do not have to worry when they are accused as being worthless. Justification gives us an eternal sense of worth. It is terrible to have to work for someone who never seems to be pleased with what you are or what you do. Disapproval is a measure of judgment. Many carnal and immature Christians live without an understanding of what it means to be justified by Christ. It is extremely frustrating to have to live wondering if you have done enough to gain the advocacy of the Almighty. Through Christ we can live with the full confidence that we are full members of God’s family and possess His inheritance as justified children of God.

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Paul Wallace

commented on Feb 22, 2007

I have found all of your sermons to be helpful.

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