The Belt Of Truth Series
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Understanding and putting on the first piece of armor that God supplies so we can live the life that God intended for believers.
Belt of Truth
Ephesians chapter 6:10-6:20
Last week we begun a new series, “Putting on the armor of God”
We saw some people see demons behind every tree and there are some who have no idea that we are in a spiritual battle for our souls.
The two main points in the beginning verses
(1) Being strong in the Lord
(2) That the battle is not with each other, but spiritual.
Illustration last week with the fighter getting beat up and even thinking that the referee is beating on him is a real feeling because we have all felt that way.
Today we will start to look at the protection that a believer has available to them as they fight their spiritual battle.
Ephesians 6:10-20
Paul paints this picture of a Roman soldier with all his gear and describes God’s army using this analogy.
(13) “Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand,
(14) Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist with the breastplate of righteousness in place.”
There is only one point to drive home today, put on the belt of truth to live your life.
I. Belt of truth
The belt for the Roman soldier kept everything together.
It kept his clothing from dragging on the ground.
It was a belt that held his sword and gave him mobility.
To a soldier, he would not even think about dressing without putting on his belt.
To some of us, not wearing a belt would prove to be embarrassing, and to others watching,it would be funny.
Paul is telling the believers, that before we even think about doing battle, we must put on the belt of truth.
God calls many people to different things, but the one thing that God calls all believers is to protect ourselves with the armor God gave us.
He tells us that we are to do all that we know to do and then stand firm. The only way to stand firm is in the Lord.
God called Moses to confront Pharaoh, and he calls us to confront evil around us. He was going to use Moses to show the power of God working through him, and he wants to show those around us the power of God working through each of us.
Another example is David and Goliath. We think of the bravery and we think of a shepherd boy bringing down an enemy of Israel with a rock. But David used what he knew how to use.
They tried putting the armor of someone else on him, and it didn’t fit. God used David to show the power of God working through him.
The belt of truth is symbolic clothing of the Messiah in Isaiah 11:5 (talking about Jesus) “righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.”
I want you to see something here, that I believe is important.
God tells us to fight the battle of faith.
He tells us to fight to win the race and finish strong.
He does not say anywhere to go toe to toe with the enemy in your own strength!
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.”
Several times he uses the word stand. If God expected you to fight the devil yourself, he would have said here fight, or run, move like a butterfly, sting like a bee!
In the middle of a battle with the devil, He says stand!
Be immoveable!
Secure in Christ!
Literally the same Greek word for stand (ISS-sta-mee) is also the same Greek word for resist.
James 4:7-
“Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
When the enemy attacks, I said when the enemy attacks and not if- you have the belt of truth on.
Jesus says I am the way, the truth , the life.
You are standing in the truth of Jesus Christ and in His authority, the devil must flee!
That is God’s Word! We have that in the authority of God!
Do you go toe to toe with the enemy- not in your strength
Do you challenge him to a spiritual battle- not in your strength.
But when he comes against you, you can stand firm in Jesus Christ.
You stand firm in Jesus Christ and His Word.
You stand firm in prayer for direction.
You stand firm and obey His teachings.
You can draw near to God, and He draws near to you- and you let God fight the battle!
Praise the Lord! That is good stuff!