
Summary: The study for today is on the teaching of Christ, where HE emphasized on the need for man to have the kind of heart that God has. These are the 4th, 5th and 6th beatitudes:




The study for today is on the teaching of Christ, where HE emphasized on the need for man to have the kind of heart that God has. These are the 4th, 5th and 6th beatitudes:

1) Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: Matthew 5:6, Psalm 63:1-11, Psalm 42:1-11.

A man that hungers after righteousness is tired of and never interested in the garbage of worldliness. He needs Christ or nothing. A "Christ-less" soul is a restless soul. Nothing but the living water can quench this thirst - John 4:13-15. A spiritual hunger and thirst is majorly of the heart, it goes beyond our lips. This is a heart-cry to God - Phil 3:7-14. This heart craves for the complete satisfaction which comes from God alone, because the earthly pleasures cannot fill such a heart. The scripture says that such people are Blessed - Matt 5:6, Matt. 6:33. Today, God is calling us to return to him - Jer 2:11-13, Isa 55:1-3.

2) Blessed are the merciful - Matthew 5:7, Ephesians 4:32

The merciful are those who are always ready to forgive, ready to help the poor and needy, and ready to overlook what they might well condemn- Matt 6:14-15. The heart that is connected to God acts like God- Luke 23:34. It takes mercy to heal the sick - Matt 14:14. It takes mercy to deliver the captive - John 11:34-38 and only the merciful are sincere and dedicated in soul winning - Isaiah 48:11, 1 Tim 2:4. The merciful redeems - John 8:6-8. The mercy givers will receive mercy - Matt 5:7, Matt 7:2. We must understand that every character of God even mercy has the 'principal' - Proverbs 4:7-9. Mercy without the divine wisdom is not godly.

3) Blessed are the pure in heart - Matthew 5:8, Psalm 24:3-5, Isaiah 33:15-16

Purity of the heart means being pure in conduct and thought which includes honesty and integrity. The pure in heart are those whose hearts are pure towards God and man. There is a connection between our hearts and eyes. A man who has stains of sin cannot see God. Purity of the heart clears our spiritual vision. The heart loves God is connected with an understanding that perceives God. God is interested in our hearts- 1 Sam 16:7. We must be careful of the content of our hearts- Matthew 15:18-18, Matthew 12:33-34. No other eyes will see God except the Holy - Hebrew 12:14. Our hearts can only be pure by God(the word of God)- Proverbs 20:9, Psalm 51:10, Titus 2:14.


To hunger and thirst after righteousness, to be merciful and purity are all issues of the heart. Remember that an impure heart cannot produce good works and no reward for such people

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